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Change image according to telegram - Printable Version

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Change image according to telegram - arivera - 02.05.2018


I need to be able to change one image for another depending on the status of a telegram.

Could you give me an example of how to do it?

Thank you

RE: Change image according to telegram - edgars - 02.05.2018

I think Additional Icons is the feature you are looking for (when adding object in the visualization, there is Additional Icons button on the bottom of plan editor)

RE: Change image according to telegram - arivera - 02.05.2018

The problem that is not an obeto but that it is an image and does not have the parameters of additional icons.

What I need to do is change an image that I insert in the visualization depending on a telegram.

Thank you.

RE: Change image according to telegram - Daniel - 02.05.2018

Edgar's solution will do only you have to import your images in to icon folder and use it on a object which will receive your telegram.

RE: Change image according to telegram - arivera - 02.05.2018

Sorry if I did not explain myself well.

You need to change an image that is by default in the display by another according to the status of a telegram.

The image is not an object and does not have the parameters of additional icons.

Thank you

RE: Change image according to telegram - Daniel - 02.05.2018

You explained it well. What is the problem to put image as object and make it read only. From the display point of view it is the same.
Otherwise some JS will be needed.

RE: Change image according to telegram - arivera - 02.05.2018

It is not the same and I explain.

I have the drawing of a split and when the user clicks on the widget a widget with full control and if in that widget press the on / off I would like to change the image of the split for another but working.
And I do not know how to do it with an image octopus.

Thank you

RE: Change image according to telegram - Erwin van der Zwart - 02.05.2018


Maybe this could be what you are looking for: https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=1311&pid=7884#pid7884



RE: Change image according to telegram - arivera - 02.05.2018

Thanks, that's what I want to do but I follow these steps and it does not work.

What I do wrong

I enclose screens in case you can help me.

Thank you.

RE: Change image according to telegram - admin - 03.05.2018

How is this different from using additional icons with a read-only object?

RE: Change image according to telegram - Erwin van der Zwart - 03.05.2018


It's for a img element and not a object, it's  faster to include when having a lot of icons on different values (if you know how) and you can use a remote source for the images. (not possible by additional icons)



RE: Change image according to telegram - arivera - 04.05.2018

The A / C machine is an image that upon pressing the user shows a Widget with the control of the A / C machine.

The idea is that when the user presses the On / Off of the machine the status telegram changes the image by a running machine.

thanks for your help