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Adding Tag to multiple objects - Printable Version

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Adding Tag to multiple objects - PAPILLON - 27.10.2021


I'm pretty new to LogicMachine and I got one simple issue I'm trying to fix.
My goal here is to add a tag to a lot of objects. To be more precise, I would like to add the tag 'ENSLG_LOGS_CLIENT' to all the objects wich address start with '1/*/*'

So far I have found this script :

ListeObjets={} ---Liste contenant les strings des adresses des objets (ex: {'1/1/1','1/1/2'})
ListeTags={}  ---Liste de strings contenant les tags (ex: {'ENSLG_MA', 'PMA0'}, {'PMA0'})

for i, obj in ipairs(ListeObjets) do

script.disable('Ajouter tags à des objets')


This script adds all the tags in 'ListeTags' to the objects which addresses are referred in 'ListeObjets'
I would like to be able to apply the tags to all the objects with their addresses starting with '1/*/*' rather than typing each addresses myself in 'ListObjets'
I thought of using a for loop to increment the adresses, but as I've just started using LogicMachine I'm not confortable with the scripting and I could really use a hand.

Thanks for reading me !

Matthieu Papillon

RE: Adding Tag to multiple objects - Daniel - 27.10.2021

You don't need script for that. Just filter your object and use Mass edit then Object properties. Select TAG and you are done

RE: Adding Tag to multiple objects - PAPILLON - 27.10.2021

This is a very interesting tool, thanks for pointing it out.
There is one remaining issue though. Using this method deletes the tags that where already in place. I want the tags that where already here to remain, for that I believe I do have to make a script for it.

RE: Adding Tag to multiple objects - admin - 27.10.2021

Use this script:
tags = { 'Tag1', 'Tag2', 'Tag3' }

from = buslib.encodega('1/0/0')
to = buslib.encodega('2/0/0') - 1

for addr = from, to do
  grp.addtags(addr, tags)

RE: Adding Tag to multiple objects - PAPILLON - 27.10.2021

It works like a charm ! Thanks a lot for your support and reactivity, I really do appreciate it Smile