10.04.2020, 17:09
just a feedback on haw I have implemented the monitoring of the knx network of my house
As it is also inspired from several thread of this forum, it make sense to make it
As I am not a LUA / LogicMachine expert, some part of the code can be improved for such, but it works...
First I have used "tags" feature of KNX object in order to define the type of logging I want on each object
- "tobelogged" for immediate logging (for use of light by example)
- "tobelogged-tempo5" for logging but with 5mn min between each measure point (for power usage by example, time delay can be adapted, duplicated, etc)
Both type of logging are based on "Event-based" scripts, they :
- do not log again the same value, I use the LM storage to store trace of last logging activity per object in order to optimize it
- store temporary "event information to be stored in a database" in the LM storage too (would be possible to used MQTT instead in the futur ?)
-> it is possible to add new / other type of "event logging fonction"
A third script scan items in the LM storage every 30s, send them to a database and finally delete them in the LM storage
the block of code dealing with mysql can be replaced by the following one in order to send it to an InfluxDB instance instead
MQTT server would be a good candidat to replace LM local storage, maybe a next improvement
the use of LM storage can be a problem : if you store too many item in it (in case of issue on you database or your network by example), your LM might be really really slow
-> this solution is not for production as is but only for personal / home use
hope it will be helpful for some of you
Best regards
just a feedback on haw I have implemented the monitoring of the knx network of my house
As it is also inspired from several thread of this forum, it make sense to make it
As I am not a LUA / LogicMachine expert, some part of the code can be improved for such, but it works...
First I have used "tags" feature of KNX object in order to define the type of logging I want on each object
- "tobelogged" for immediate logging (for use of light by example)
- "tobelogged-tempo5" for logging but with 5mn min between each measure point (for power usage by example, time delay can be adapted, duplicated, etc)
Both type of logging are based on "Event-based" scripts, they :
- do not log again the same value, I use the LM storage to store trace of last logging activity per object in order to optimize it
- store temporary "event information to be stored in a database" in the LM storage too (would be possible to used MQTT instead in the futur ?)
-> it is possible to add new / other type of "event logging fonction"
A third script scan items in the LM storage every 30s, send them to a database and finally delete them in the LM storage
-- Event-based / "Event logger immediat" triggered by tag = "tobelogged" of KNX objects
local obj = grp.find(event.dst)
-- (measureOn, name, source, type, value)
var11 = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",obj.updatetime)
var12 = string.trim(tostring(obj.name))
var13 = string.trim(tostring(obj.address))
var14 = string.trim(tostring(obj.data))
var15 = string.trim(tostring(obj.tagcache))
trace1 = storage.get('TABLE_' .. var13, '')
if trace1 == '' then
--log("CREATING TRACE FOR " .. var13)
saveDataToLocalStorage('TABLE_', var11, var12, var13, var14, var15, obj.updatetime)
--log("UPDATING TRACE FOR : " .. var13)
if string.trim(tostring(trace1[2])) == string.trim(tostring(var14)) then
--log("NO LOG / NO VALUES CHANGE for : " .. var14)
--log("TRACE UPDATED FOR : " .. var13)
saveDataToLocalStorage('TABLE_', var11, var12, var13, var14, var15, obj.updatetime)
-- Event-based / "Event logger tempo 5" triggered by tag = "tobelogged-tempo5" of KNX objects
local obj = grp.find(event.dst)
-- (measureOn, name, source, type, value)
local var21 = tostring(os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",obj.updatetime))
local var22 = string.trim(tostring(obj.name))
local var23 = string.trim(tostring(obj.address))
local var24 = string.trim(tostring(obj.data))
local var25 = string.trim(tostring(obj.tagcache))
local trace2 = storage.get('TABLE_TEMPO_5_' .. var23, '')
if trace2 == '' then
saveDataToLocalStorage('TABLE_TEMPO_5_', var21, var22, var23, var24, var25, obj.updatetime)
if string.trim(tostring(trace2[2])) == string.trim(tostring(var24)) then
--log("NO LOG / NO VALUES CHANGE for : " .. var24)
local diff = math.abs(os.time() - tonumber(trace2[3]))
if diff > 300 then
saveDataToLocalStorage('TABLE_TEMPO_5_', var21, var22, var23, var24, var25, obj.updatetime)
--log("NO LOG / TOO EARLY FOR: " .. var23 .. " -> " .. tostring(diff) )
-- user function / "saveDataToLocalStorage"
-- store event (knx or other source) to the LM storage
function saveDataToLocalStorage(traceName, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6)
local key = "LOG-" .. tostring(var1) .. "-" .. tostring(var3)
local data = {}
data["timestamp"] = tostring(var1)
data["name"] = tostring(var2)
data["source"] = tostring(var3)
data["value"] = tostring(var4)
data["tagcache"] = string.split(tostring(var5), ",")
storage.set(key, json.encode(data))
local newtrace = {}
newtrace[1] = var1
newtrace[2] = var4
newtrace[3] = var6
storage.set(traceName .. tostring(var3), newtrace)
--log("TRACE UPDATED FOR : " .. var3)
-- resident script / triggered every 30s, scan LM storage, send LOG items to database if any and then delete them in the LM storge after
http = require('socket.http')
key_table = storage.all()
for key, value in next, key_table do
--log("looking at : " .. key)
tmp = string.find(key,"LOG-")
if tmp == nil then
--log("data DO NOT match : " .. key .. " - tmp : " .. tostring(tmp) )
if tmp >= 0 then
--log("data match : " .. key .. " - tmp : " .. tostring(tmp) )
local data_tab = json.decode(value)
local t = data_tab.tagcache
local series = ""
local series_name = ""
local tagss = ""
local i = 1
for k in next, t do
if i == 2 then
series = string.trim(tostring(t[k]))
if i == 3 then
series_name = string.trim(tostring(t[k]))
if i > 3 then
tagss = tagss .. string.trim(tostring(t[k])) .. ";"
i = i + 1
if not tagss == "" then
tagss = string.sub(tagss, 1 , string.len(tagss)-1 )
local t1 = string.trim(tostring(data_tab.timestamp))
local Y = tonumber(string.sub(t1, 1, 4))
local M = tonumber(string.sub(t1, 6, 7))
local D = tonumber(string.sub(t1, 9, 10))
local h = tonumber(string.sub(t1, 12, 13))
local m = tonumber(string.sub(t1, 15, 16))
local s = tonumber(string.sub(t1, 18, 19))
local t2 = os.time({year=Y, month=M, day=D, hour=h, min=m, sec=s, isdst = false})
-- txt is the data part of the http command to be send to an influxDb instance in order to store it
-- to prepare the migration i would like to do by the end of the year
local txt = string.trim(tostring(series)) .. ",tags=" .. string.trim(tostring(tagss)) .. ",source=" .. string.trim(tostring(data_tab.source)) .. " " .. series_name .. "=" .. string.trim(tostring(data_tab.value)) .. " " .. string.trim(tostring(t2) )
-- Store data into MariaDB / MySQL
errcur = nil
local DB_NAME = 'MyDBname'
local USERNAME = 'MyUSer'
local PASSWORD = 'MyPwd'
local MYSQL_SERVER_IP = '192.168.0.xxx'
local MYSQL_SERVER_PORT = '3307'
env = luasql.mysql()
cmd = 'INSERT INTO measures (measureOn, name, source, value, raw) VALUES (\"' .. string.trim(tostring(data_tab.timestamp)) .. '\", \"' .. string.trim(tostring(data_tab.name)) .. '\", \"' .. string.trim(tostring(data_tab.source)) .. '\", \"' .. string.trim(tostring(data_tab.value)) .. '\", \"' .. string.trim(tostring(txt)) .. '\")'
--log("SENDING CMD : " .. cmd)
cursor, errcurs = dbcon:execute ( cmd )
-- manage errors
if (tostring(errcurs) == "nil") then
--log("CMD done !")
--log("KEY REMOVED : " .. key)
log("CMD error : " .. tostring(errcurs))
the block of code dealing with mysql can be replaced by the following one in order to send it to an InfluxDB instance instead
-- Store data into influxDB
local INFLUX_SERVER_IP = '192.168.0.xx'
local INFLUX_SERVER_PORT = '8086'
local INFLUX_DB_NAME = 'MyDBname'
http.TIMEOUT = 5
res, errh = http.request("http://" .. INFLUX_SERVER_IP ..":" .. INFLUX_SERVER_PORT .. "/write?db=" .. INFLUX_DB_NAME .. "&precision=s", txt)
-- manage errors
if (tostring(errcurs) == "nil") then --and not errh == 204 ) then
--log("CMD done !")
--log("KEY REMOVED : " .. key)
log("CMD error : " .. tostring(errcurs))
log("InfluxDB INSERT ERROR", res, errh)
MQTT server would be a good candidat to replace LM local storage, maybe a next improvement
the use of LM storage can be a problem : if you store too many item in it (in case of issue on you database or your network by example), your LM might be really really slow
-> this solution is not for production as is but only for personal / home use
hope it will be helpful for some of you
Best regards