RE: Netatmo - iridium - 18.07.2023
Thanks!!! Works
RE: Netatmo - stemic01 - 20.07.2023
I have used the old method for some years too, but since july I've got the same "401. auth error" as mentioned over here. Thanx for sharing new updated code and instructions. It was not 100% clear to me where to put the code exactly (Before, after, replacing old code)? I replaced the "token", tried to put it before, replacing and after the old user ID/token code with no luck).
Are there new Netatmo instructions with updated code and step by step instructions anywhere available?
RE: Netatmo - gjniewenhuijse - 21.07.2023
I use this code
Code: require 'ltn12'
require 'socket.http'
json = require("json")
https = require 'ssl.https'
socket.http.TIMEOUT = 5
netatmo_debug = false
client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
refresh_token_org = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -- get this token from the netatmo dev page, generate first auth and refresh_token
request_token_url = ""
request_url = ""
response_body = { }
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo start")
-- get auth token from refresh token
function refresh_token()
refresh = storage.get('netatmo_refresh_1', refresh_token_org)
local request_body = "grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=" .. client_id .."&client_secret=" .. client_secret .. "&refresh_token=" .. refresh
local body, code, hdrs, stat = https.request
url = request_token_url;
method = "POST";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
["Content-Length"] = #request_body;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if (code ~= 200) then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo auth error: "..tostring(code)..", "..tostring(body))
local response_decode = json.decode(table.concat(response_body))
local access_token = response_decode.access_token
if response_decode.refresh_token then
storage.set('netatmo_refresh_1', response_decode.refresh_token)
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo token %s",access_token)
return "access_token=" .. access_token
-- init
if not init then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo init")
request_body = refresh_token()
init = true
if not request_body and netatmo_debug then
log("netatmo token error")
function get_stationdata()
if not request_body then return end
--to limit to only one device : -- local request_body = "access_token=" .. access_token .. "&device_id=" .. device_id
local response_body = { }
local body, code, hdrs, stat = https.request
url = request_url..'/getstationsdata';
method = "POST";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
["Content-Length"] = #request_body;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if (code ~= 200) then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo devicelist error: "..tostring(code)..", "..tostring(body)..", "..tostring(hdrs)..", "..tostring(stat))
local response_decode = json.decode(table.concat(response_body))
if (netatmo_debug) then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo end")
Code: require('user.nit_netatmo')
RE: Netatmo - stemic01 - 03.08.2023
Nice. It all seems to connect well and in debug mode I can see the data in table mode. So far so good.
Any code examples how you pull the data and put it into a grp.write for the different modules ? I only figured out the main module and I placed the code just at line "103" . Main station is responding well, but my lack of coding skills does not help if to get the other stations/modules from other rooms/outdoor/rain/Wind etc. I also see that from the Debug log that the tables of the modules (Outdoor, Rain, Wind, Additional room modules) are "Table: Nesting too deep" .
RE: Netatmo - Daniel - 04.08.2023
What do you have in logs?
RE: Netatmo - stemic01 - 04.08.2023
Code: etatmo Updater 5min 04.08.2023 10:29:34
* string: netatmo start
Netatmo Updater 5min 04.08.2023 10:29:34
* string: netatmo init
Netatmo Updater 5min 04.08.2023 10:29:34
* table:
* string: {"access_token":"**************************","refresh_token":"*********************************|*****************************","scope":["read_station"],"expires_in":10800,"expire_in":10800}
Netatmo Updater 5min 04.08.2023 10:29:34
* arg: 1
* string: netatmo token %s
* arg: 2
* string: ***********************************
Netatmo Updater 5min 04.08.2023 10:29:34
* string: netatmo end
Netatmo Updater 5min 04.08.2023 10:29:35
* table:
* string: ok
* table:
* table:
* table:
* string: NB_NO
* number: 0
* number: 0
* number: 2
* string: nb-NO
* number: 0
* string: nb
* string: *****@*****.no
* table:
* table:
* number: 1575399707
* string: **:**:**:58:7e:36
* table:
* string: Temperature
* string: CO2
* string: Humidity
* string: Noise
* string: Pressure
* string: Rorstadvegen
* string: Rorstadvegen (Indoor1)
* table:
* number: 1691137647
* string: up
* number: 474
* number: 54
* number: 1691100162
* number: 23.2
* number: 22.2
* number: 40
* number: 1007.1
* number: 1691132810
* number: 22.1
* string: stable
* number: 999.6
* string: ******b7d7e9e4d7
* string: Indoor1
* number: 201
* number: 51
* table:
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1575399668
* number: 53
* table:
nesting too deep
* number: 5332
* string: **:**:**:58:ef:1c
* number: 68
* number: 1691137641
* number: 1691137648
* string: NAModule1
* number: 63
* table:
nesting too deep
* string: Outdoor
* table:
* bool: false
* number: 1575402173
* number: 27
* table:
nesting too deep
* number: 65535
* number: 82
* number: 1686170566
* number: 1686170566
* string: NAModule2
* number: 100
* string: **:**:**:04:06:6a
* string: wind
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1575486620
* number: 14
* table:
nesting too deep
* number: 4854
* string: **:**:**:06:91:0e
* number: 88
* number: 1691137648
* number: 1691137648
* string: NAModule3
* number: 48
* table:
nesting too deep
* string: rain
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1581013343
* number: 53
* table:
nesting too deep
* number: 5479
* string: **:**:**:59:e9:48
* number: 67
* number: 1691137635
* number: 1691137648
* string: NAModule4
* number: 71
* table:
nesting too deep
* string: bedroom1
* table:
* bool: false
* number: 1647974577
* number: 53
* table:
nesting too deep
* number: 65535
* number: 49
* number: 1686622420
* number: 1686622465
* string: NAModule4
* number: 100
* string: **:**:**:0c:03:00
* string: basement
* table:
* string: NO
* string: Oslo
* string: Europe/Oslo
* table:
* number: *.***************
* number: 62.*****************
* number: 63
* bool: false
* string: NAMain
* number: 1575399707
* bool: true
* number: 1691137650
* number: 1691137775
* number: 0.0466818809509277
RE: Netatmo - Daniel - 04.08.2023
Try these two logs, one should give you Co2, second will show what is deeper under 'modules'.
Code: log(response_decode.body.devices[1].dashboard_data.CO2)
I'm not sure if I used correct order. Yo can play like this by going deeper and deeper in the table.
RE: Netatmo - MLa - 04.08.2023
I had the same issue, ended up with this solution.
Main module:
grp.write("Netatmo temp stue",response_decode.body.devices[2].dashboard_data.Temperature,dt.float16)
grp.write("Netatmo luftfuktighet stue",response_decode.body.devices[2].dashboard_data.Humidity,dt.scale)
grp.write("Netatmo trykk",response_decode.body.devices[2].dashboard_data.Pressure,dt.uint16)
grp.write("Netatmo CO2 Stue",response_decode.body.devices[2].dashboard_data.CO2,dt.float16)
grp.write("Netatmo db Stue",response_decode.body.devices[2].dashboard_data.Noise,dt.uint8)
Outside temp module:
grp.write("Netatmo temp ute",response_decode.body.devices[2].modules[1].dashboard_data.Temperature,dt.float16)
grp.write("Netatmo luftfuktighet ute",response_decode.body.devices[2].modules[1].dashboard_data.Humidity,dt.scale)
RE: Netatmo - stigen - 23.11.2023
My netatmo script, the old one, doesnt work anymore because they changed there API etc..
I have tried diffrent things but it doesnt work....
Does anyone have a step by step and example script with main module and outdoor module example?
Very nice if there is also in the script examples of how too grp.write to objects on the Logimachine
RE: Netatmo - pioneersteffen - 23.12.2023
(23.11.2023, 14:35)stigen Wrote: Hi!
My netatmo script, the old one, doesnt work anymore because they changed there API etc..
I have tried diffrent things but it doesnt work....
Does anyone have a step by step and example script with main module and outdoor module example?
Very nice if there is also in the script examples of how too grp.write to objects on the Logimachine
Hi stigen,
in the first step you need to setup a Netatmo Developer account:
Then create a application inside Netatmo development area to get the relevant tokens.
Then generate a new user script, name it "netatmo" and add the token in the following script:
Code: require 'ltn12'
require 'socket.http'
json = require("json")
https = require 'ssl.https'
socket.http.TIMEOUT = 5
netatmo_debug = true
client_id = "XXX"
client_secret = "xxx"
refresh_token_org = "xxx" -- get this token from the netatmo dev page, generate first auth and refresh_token
request_token_url = ""
request_url = ""
response_body = { }
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo start")
-- get auth token from refresh token
function refresh_token()
refresh = storage.get('netatmo_refresh_1', refresh_token_org)
local request_body = "grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=" .. client_id .."&client_secret=" .. client_secret .. "&refresh_token=" .. refresh
local body, code, hdrs, stat = https.request
url = request_token_url;
method = "POST";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
["Content-Length"] = #request_body;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if (code ~= 200) then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo auth error: "..tostring(code)..", "..tostring(body))
local response_decode = json.decode(table.concat(response_body))
local access_token = response_decode.access_token
if response_decode.refresh_token then
storage.set('netatmo_refresh_1', response_decode.refresh_token)
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo token %s",access_token)
return "access_token=" .. access_token
-- init
if not init then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo init")
request_body = refresh_token()
init = true
if not request_body and netatmo_debug then
log("netatmo token error")
function get_stationdata()
if not request_body then return end
--to limit to only one device : -- local request_body = "access_token=" .. access_token .. "&device_id=" .. device_id
local response_body = { }
local body, code, hdrs, stat = https.request
url = request_url..'/getstationsdata';
method = "POST";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
["Content-Length"] = #request_body;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if (code ~= 200) then
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo devicelist error: "..tostring(code)..", "..tostring(body)..", "..tostring(hdrs)..", "..tostring(stat))
local response_decode = json.decode(table.concat(response_body))
if (netatmo_debug) then
--write station data to KNX
if (netatmo_debug) then
log("netatmo end")
In the next step you generate scheduled script (*/5****) and add the following code:
Code: require('user.netatmo')
Run the scheduled script and looking inside the log which module is the right category (outdoor, rain, wind etc.) and adjust the second number ...body.devices[1].modules[4]... .Furthermore change the object name to your KNX group address name.
Now you are ready to go. I hope it helps.
Best Regards
RE: Netatmo - MLa - 19.07.2024
My netatmo script has stoppet working, any one else having problems?
I det this in log:
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:42
* string: netatmo start
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:42
* string: netatmo init
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:43
* string: netatmo auth error: 400, 1
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:43
* string: netatmo token error
RE: Netatmo - MaLe - 14.10.2024
(19.07.2024, 07:59)MLa Wrote: Hi,
My netatmo script has stoppet working, any one else having problems?
I det this in log:
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:42
* string: netatmo start
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:42
* string: netatmo init
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:43
* string: netatmo auth error: 400, 1
Netatmo 19.07.2024 09:58:43
* string: netatmo token error
Does anyone have the latest version of a working script here? I have copied the script as described in 'Steffen's' post into my Wiser. I created an application via I also created the objects in Wiser as described in the script. I don't get any error messages in the (error) logs. Who can help?
Thanks in advance!
RE: Netatmo - gjniewenhuijse - 07.11.2024
Since 27-10 i received a netatmo auth error: 400, 1
Nothing changed in my config, what happens?
Refresh_toke gives:
Code: * arg: 1
* string: refresh
* arg: 2
* number: 1
* arg: 3
* number: 400
* arg: 4
* table:
* string: nginx
* string: 0
* string: chunked
* string: close
* string: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
* string: no-cache, must-revalidate
* string: Netatmo
* string: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 09:32:40 GMT
* string: 1; mode=block
* string: *
* string: application/json
* arg: 5
* string: HTTP/1.1 400
RE: Netatmo - Daniel - 07.11.2024
You should contact Netatmo and ask what they changed.
RE: Netatmo - gjniewenhuijse - 08.11.2024
problem solved:
generated new token: refresh_token_org
cleared netatmo_refresh_1: storage.set('netatmo_refresh_1', nil)
RE: Netatmo - iridium - 03.12.2024
Hello, how did you solve it?
I have created a new refresh token but I still have the authentication problem
RE: Netatmo - gjniewenhuijse - 04.12.2024
(03.12.2024, 17:47)iridium Wrote: Hi,
Hello, how did you solve it?
I have created a new refresh token but I still have the authentication problem
And you also cleared netatmo_refresh_1 storage once?
storage.set('netatmo_refresh_1', nil)
RE: Netatmo - iridium - 12.12.2024
(04.12.2024, 12:42)gjniewenhuijse Wrote: (03.12.2024, 17:47)iridium Wrote: Hi,
Hello, how did you solve it?
I have created a new refresh token but I still have the authentication problem
And you also cleared netatmo_refresh_1 storage once?
storage.set('netatmo_refresh_1', nil)
Thanks, works!!!