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Lua Essentials - Printable Version

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Lua Essentials - rocfusion - 01.07.2015


Found this essential guide for lua.  Useful to know...




RE: Lua Essentials - edgars - 02.07.2015

Some more links and documents attached to read on this subject:

LUA Quick start-up guide: http://openrb.com/slides/lua/#/step-1
LUA in 15 minutes: http://tylerneylon.com/a/learn-lua/
Full LUA doc: http://www.lua.org/docs.html

RE: Lua Essentials - rocfusion - 25.02.2016

heres another one, http://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/

RE: Lua Essentials - buuuudzik - 27.09.2018

i've found some good tips for optimizing Lua programs:


RE: Lua Essentials - admin - 27.09.2018

This guide is for standard Lua, where as LM uses LuaJIT which already does many optimizations when running the code.

RE: Lua Essentials - buuuudzik - 27.09.2018

FYes, but some of advices are very good also for JIT version E.g. using locals(also using local copy of  math.sin when using it in loop and modifying data model. Maybe this is for some advanced users intuitive but for sure for less of users. Also using simple for loop instead of in ipairs when you must optimize your script.

RE: Lua Essentials - admin - 27.09.2018

There's no difference in using math.sin directly or caching it via local variable in LuaJIT. Both examples take the same amount of time to run. And there are not many scripts that need to calculate sine 1000000 times in a row Smile

But, using local variables is a very good advice to avoid problems where some function overwrites a global variable with the same name and causes script errors.

RE: Lua Essentials - rogerabit - 28.01.2019

How can create a window pop-up in the crhome or firefox when one object active?

RE: Lua Essentials - admin - 28.01.2019

Please create a separate thread and explain in more detail.

RE: Lua Essentials - Hugo - 14.09.2020

(25.02.2016, 09:04)rocfusion Wrote: heres another one, http://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/

Thank you. This is probably the long time wanted entrance for "lua beginners"  "without programming knowledge".

Addendum 09/15/2020: This young man is also very helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NKMtazVNe8 He closed a few gaps which I didn't understand at the beginning of http://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/ ...... Maybe I'll understand that one day or I give up as I did with my hanging man game on qBasic/dos 5.0 28 years ago.

GOTO statement - fabiorusco - 08.05.2021

I need use the goto statement for avoid to execute some commands.
How I can implement it?

RE: Lua Essentials - Erwin van der Zwart - 09.05.2021

Use Google as your best friend (:


RE: Lua Essentials - fabiorusco - 09.05.2021

Thank you.
