Scripting / Resident / MODBUS RS-485 energy meter clock update - andeug - 31.03.2019
I am using the below script to update the clock of my energy meters connected to RS-485 bus (I have 3 units) and each time I want to update the clock, I have to manually trigger the script.
I have enclosed a capture where these scripts are located:
(the below code is for my first power meter):
Code: require('luamodbus')
mb = luamodbus.rtu()
mb:open('/dev/RS485-1', 19200, 'E', 8, 1, 'H')
mb:setslave(1) -- Enter the correct Modbus slave address of the kWh meter
-- Function to get value as bits from registers
function toBits(num,bits)
-- returns a table of bits, most significant first.
bits = bits or select(2,math.frexp(num))
local t={} -- will contain the bits
for b=bits,1,-1 do
return table.concat(t)
-- Get current data as table
now ='*t')
-- Set date and time to command interface
datanumber = 1003
reservedalways = ''
mbyear = now.year -- 2000–2099 Year
mbmonth = now.month -- 1–12 Month
mbday = -- 1–31 Day
mbhour = now.hour -- 23 Hour
mbminute = now.min -- 0–59 Minute
mbsecond = now.sec -- 0–59 Second
reserved_1 = '' -- (Reserved)
-- Write command to the command interface
mb:writeregisters(5249, datanumber, reservedalways, mbyear, mbmonth, mbday, mbhour, mbminute, mbsecond, reserved_1) --max 123 parameters entered by , , , ,
--Register 5250 = Requested command, 5251 = Not used, 5252 = parameter 1
-- Get results of command interface action to set date and time
r1, r2 = mb:readregisters(5374, 2)
log ("Result Command: " .. r1 .. ": Set date and time")
if r2 == 0 then
log ("Result = valid operation, success")
elseif r2 == 3000 then
log ("Result = invalid operation, failed")
elseif r2 == 3001 then
log ("Result = invalid parameter(s), failed")
elseif r2 == 3002 then
log ("Result = invalid number of parameters, failed")
elseif r2 == 3002 then
log ("Result = invalid number of parameters, failed")
elseif r2 == 3007 then
log ("Result = operation not perfomed, failed")
log ("Result Code: " .. r2) -- 0 = valid operation, 3000 = invalid Operation, 3001 = Invalid Parameter, 3002 = Invalid number of parameters, 3007 = Operation not perfomed
-- Read result from meter:
-- Get year
year = mb:readregisters(1844, 1)
-- Get Month, Weekday, Day
month_weekday_day = mb:readregisters(1845, 1)
month_weekday_day_bits = toBits(month_weekday_day,16)
month = tonumber (string.sub(month_weekday_day_bits, 5, 8), 2)
wday = tonumber (string.sub(month_weekday_day_bits, 9, 11), 2)
day = tonumber (string.sub(month_weekday_day_bits, -5), 2)
-- Get Hour, Minute
hour_minute = mb:readregisters(1846, 1)
hour_minute_bits = toBits(hour_minute,16)
hour = tonumber (string.sub(hour_minute_bits, 4, 8), 2)
minute = tonumber (string.sub(hour_minute_bits, -6), 2)
-- Get Seconds (in milliseconds)
second = mb:readregisters(1847, 1) / 1000
-- Set Human readable weekdays
wdaytable = {
-- Log result as human readable string
log('current date in meter 1 is: ' .. wdaytable[wday] .. ' ' .. day .. '-' .. month .. '-20' .. string.format("%02d", year) .. ' ' .. string.format("%02d", hour) .. ':' .. string.format("%02d", minute) .. ':' .. string.format("%02d", second))
-- Self disable of script
Can you please guide me regarding how I can set this script to automatically update the clock of my power meters, let's say, once per day? The script goes offline after each triggering and I cannot set it to be active (I might have added it on a wrong place and it should not be in Resident scripts).
Thank you,
RE: Scripting / Resident / MODBUS RS-485 energy meter clock update - admin - 31.03.2019
Use scheduled script and remove the last line that disables the script itself.
RE: Scripting / Resident / MODBUS RS-485 energy meter clock update - andeug - 31.03.2019
(31.03.2019, 12:44)admin Wrote: Use scheduled script and remove the last line that disables the script itself.
I'll fix it now.
Regarding the below part of the code, I see some typos:
Code: -- Set Human readable weekdays
wdaytable = {
Is it correlated to something that part? I would rename two days into friday and saturday.
RE: Scripting / Resident / MODBUS RS-485 energy meter clock update - admin - 31.03.2019
This I'd only for debug logs, it does not affect script operation.