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Enocean - homelynk roller shutters position feedback - Printable Version

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Enocean - homelynk roller shutters position feedback - idhe - 25.02.2020


I have an Enocean roller shutter module (Eltako FSB61NP-230V), I manage to pilot the shutter but I can't get a good position feedback, I activate the feedback option in the module. I see Enocean frame wich should return the posiotion but I don't know which enocean profil in have to use to get my shutter position in percents... I try with A5-38-08-02 Dimmer but that doesn't return the good position... Any solution to get my shutter position in percents ??

I use a Wiser for KNX.


RE: Enocean - homelynk roller shutters position feedback - Erwin van der Zwart - 25.02.2020


I don’t think there is a profile for this device, you could use a 4 byte raw receiving telegram and pick the correct data (bits) from the received telegram.

