Export CSV - gdimaria - 25.11.2020
I am using your script to export csv and send trends via mail.
If I set export_all = true it sends all trends, of course... but if I set export_all = false it ignore my namescripts list and export n.25 trends instead of the 9 I selected.
What is wrong? Thanks
RE: Export CSV - admin - 25.11.2020
I'm not sure that filtering function is correct, try replacing it with this:
Code: -- Check if all trends or selection neeed to be exported
if export_all == false then
tmp = {}
for _, t in ipairs(trends_table) do
for _, name in ipairs(trendnames) do
if name == t.name then
tmp[ #tmp + 1 ] = t
trends_table = tmp
-- Check if the is at least 1 trend to be exported
RE: Export CSV - gdimaria - 26.11.2020
uhmm..... now it seems ok, but I give a look to hh:mm in the report, I see they become over 24 hours and the day remain the same.
What I really need it to send a monthly mail to the customer with hir trendslog attached.
is it possible to select a monthly report like that by script?
RE: Export CSV - gdimaria - 26.11.2020
(25.11.2020, 13:15)admin Wrote: I'm not sure that filtering function is correct, try replacing it with this:
Code: -- Check if all trends or selection neeed to be exported
if export_all == false then
tmp = {}
for _, t in ipairs(trends_table) do
for _, name in ipairs(trendnames) do
if name == t.name then
tmp[ #tmp + 1 ] = t
trends_table = tmp
-- Check if the is at least 1 trend to be exported
there is something wrong here:
Code: for _, row in ipairs(trenddatamonth) do
stamp = dates['start'].year .. '-' .. dates['start'].month .. '-' .. string.format("%02d", _)
local y, m, d = stamp:match("(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)")
local t = { year = y, month = m, day = d}
n15 = tonumber (string.format("%02d", _))*60*15
modulo = n15*15
hours1 = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(n15/3600));
mins1 = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(n15/60 - (hours1*60)));
Ora = hours1..":"..mins1
-- format csv row
csv = string.format('%q,%q,%q', string.format("%02d", dates['start'].day) .. "-" .. string.format("%02d", dates['start'].month) .. "-" .. dates['start'].year, Ora, row)
-- add to buffer
table.insert(buffer, csv)
Because time are over the 24 hours:
RE: Export CSV - admin - 27.11.2020
The script assumes that trend resolution is fixed to 15 minutes but it can be different. This is fixable but the whole script has to fully rewritten.
RE: Export CSV - gdimaria - 27.11.2020
I made some tests, and I notice it works fine when export_all = true, when I put it false then happens what I wrote upside.
So I think is just the filtering function not properly working.
here is the script:
Code: --**************************************************************************--
--** Email trendlog data as CSV attachment created by Erwin van der Zwart **--
--************ For HL from FW 1.5 and SL from FW 1.2 with NGINX ************--
--*************************** Start of parameters **************************--
-- Version 1.1 *************************************************************--
--Set export mode (selected trend(s) or all trends)
export_all = false
--Set trend names if not all trends need to be exported (only used when export_all = false)
trendnames = {
"Potenza Attiva PT",
"Piano Lavoro",
"Prese Stireria",
"Lavastoviglie 2",
"Carico 9",
--**************************** End of parameters ***************************--
--****************** DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE *****************--
-- Get all trend names from DB
trends_table = db:getall('SELECT name FROM trends ORDER BY name DESC')
-- Check if all trends or selection neeed to be exported
if export_all == false then
tmp = {}
for _, t in ipairs(trends_table) do
for _, name in ipairs(trendnames) do
if name == t.name then
tmp[ #tmp + 1 ] = t
trends_table = tmp
-- Check if the is at least 1 trend to be exported
if #trends_table < 1 then
log("Nessun Trend disponibile, impossibile esportare")
-- csv buffer
buffer = {}
-- Add to buffer
table.insert(buffer, '"Questo file contiene i dati in formato CSV di ' .. #trends_table .. ' trend(s), creato automaticamente in data: ' .. os.date("%d-%m-%y alle %H:%M") .. '"')
-- Add empty line
table.insert(buffer, '""')
-- Loop through trends_table
for _, trend_names in ipairs(trends_table) do
-- Grab trend name from DB table
trend_name = trend_names.name
if string.sub(trend_name, -1) ~= '_' then
-- Add to buffer
table.insert(buffer, '"START TREND N.' .. _ .. ' <<< ' .. trend_name .. ' >>>"')
-- Add empty line
table.insert(buffer, '""')
-- Get current timestamp
timestamp = os.time()
enddate = os.date('*t', timestamp)
startdate = os.date('*t', (timestamp - 60*60*24)) -- 1 day
dates = {}
dates['start'] = startdate
dates['end'] = enddate
-- Set resolution to dayly data
resolution = 60*15 -- 15 min
-- Get last month for data by each days in this month
trenddatamonth = trends.fetch(trend_name, dates, resolution)
-- Get last month total avarage data
trenddatamonthavg = trends.fetchone(trend_name, dates, resolution)
-- Add header
table.insert(buffer, '"Data","Ora","Valore Medio Giornaliero"')
for _, row in ipairs(trenddatamonth) do
stamp = dates['start'].year .. '-' .. dates['start'].month .. '-' .. string.format("%02d", _)
local y, m, d = stamp:match("(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)")
local t = { year = y, month = m, day = d}
n15 = tonumber (string.format("%02d", _))*60*15
modulo = n15*15
hours1 = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(n15/3600));
mins1 = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(n15/60 - (hours1*60)));
Ora = hours1..":"..mins1
-- format csv row
csv = string.format('%q,%q,%q', string.format("%02d", dates['start'].day) .. "-" .. string.format("%02d", dates['start'].month) .. "-" .. dates['start'].year, Ora, row)
-- add to buffer
table.insert(buffer, csv)
-- Add empty linestring.format("%02d", _)
table.insert(buffer, '""')
-- Add header
table.insert(buffer, '"END TREND ' .. _ .. ' <<< ' .. trend_name .. ' >>>"')
-- Add empty line
table.insert(buffer, '""')
--Create table to include mail settings
local settings = {
from = from,
rcpt = to,
user = user,
password = password,
server = 'smtp.gmail.com',
port = 465,
secure = 'sslv23',
--Create attachment inside FTP server
src = 'Trend Export '.. os.date('%Y-%m-%d') .. '.csv'
dst = '/home/ftp/' .. src
io.writefile(dst, buffer)
-- read csv report file
data1 = io.readfile(dst)
-- send file as report.csv with text/csv mime type
soggetto = 'XXXXXX: invio TRENDS giornalieri'
testo = 'Si allega file CSV.'
res, err = mailattach('giuseppe.dimaria@komponext.it', soggetto, testo, src, data1, 'text/csv')
log(res, err)
--Delete created backup file from ftp folder inside HL
RE: Export CSV - Domoticatorino - 11.12.2020
set a user library with this following code:
Code: -- This function prepare export table and .csv file from defined range
function trend_export(name, dates, mode, timestampType)
-- detect timeShift
function detectTimeShift(t0, t1)
t0_isdst, t1_isdst = os.date('*t', t0).isdst, os.date('*t', t1).isdst
if (t0_isdst ~= t1_isdst) then
if (t1_isdst) then
-- change to summertime
return 1
-- change to wintertime
return 2
return false
-- Convert word "now" in "start" to data table
if type(dates['start']) == "string" then
if dates['start'] == "now" then dates['start'] = os.date("*t", os.time())
elseif dates['start'] == "yesterday" then dates['start'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-24*3600)
elseif dates['start'] == "week_ago" then dates['start'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-7*24*3600)
elseif dates['start'] == "month_ago" then dates['start'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-30*24*3600)
elseif dates['start'] == "year_ago" then dates['start'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-365*24*3600)
-- Convert word "now" in "end" to data table
if type(dates['end']) == "string" then
if dates['end'] == "now" then dates['end'] = os.date("*t", os.time())
elseif dates['end'] == "yesterday" then dates['end'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-24*3600)
elseif dates['end'] == "week_ago" then dates['end'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-7*24*3600)
elseif dates['end'] == "month_ago" then dates['end'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-30*24*3600)
elseif dates['end'] == "year_ago" then dates['end'] = os.date("*t", os.time()-365*24*3600)
-- Start and end in unix time
starttime = os.time(dates['start'])
endtime = os.time(dates['end'])
-- Invert "start" and "end" when "end" is smaller than "start"
if starttime > endtime then
_ = dates['start']
dates['start'] = dates['end']
dates['end'] = _
-- Read trend resolution from DB
resolution = db:getlist("SELECT resolution*60 FROM trends WHERE name='" .. name .. "'")[1]
-- Prepare a table with the data which include the whole data from specified range
if resolution then
-- Expand a range with a one more day if there is some data in the last day
if (os.date("%H", endtime)*3600 + os.date("%M", endtime)*60) >= resolution then
dates['end'].day = dates['end'].day + 1
raw_data = trends.fetch(name, dates, resolution)
raw_data = trends.fetch(name, dates, resolution)
start = 1
data = {}
start_timestamp = os.time(dates['start']) + resolution
-- Cut the data and prepare a table with the data only from specified range
offset = 0
skip = 0
k = 1
while k <= #raw_data do
v = raw_data[k]
if k == 1 then last_timestamp = start_timestamp else last_timestamp = current_timestamp end
current_timestamp = start_timestamp + (k-1) * resolution + offset
timeShiftStatus = detectTimeShift(last_timestamp, current_timestamp)
if timeShiftStatus then
if timeShiftStatus == 1 then -- winter->summer
skip = 6 -- skip 1 hour empty data
offset = offset - 3600
elseif timeShiftStatus == 2 then -- summer->winter
offset = offset + 3600
-- Add to new table only records from specified range
if current_timestamp >= starttime and current_timestamp <= endtime then
if timestampType == 'unixepoch' then data[start] = {current_timestamp, v}
else data[start] = {os.date('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S', current_timestamp), v} end
start = start+1
k = k + 1 + skip
skip = 0
if mode == 'csv' then
-- Prepare .csv file
for k,v in ipairs(data) do
data[k] = table.concat(data[k], ",")
csv = "timestamp, value\r\n" .. table.concat(data, "\r\n")
return name, csv
elseif mode == 'table' then
return name, data
alert('There is no trend with such a name')
then in a event script or scheduled script this following:
-- Export data
name = 'trend name' -- trend name to export
dates = {}
dates['start'] = "month_ago"
dates['end'] = "now"
name, csv = trend_export(name, dates, 'csv')
-- Send an email with data
attachement = { {filename=name .. '.csv', filedata=csv, mimetype='text/csv'} }
mailattach('mail_address@mail.com', 'Report from trend ' .. name, 'CSV file attached', attachement)