Extracting Values from JSON data - Amber Electric API - jamesng - 27.12.2020
I'd like to pull the current price from my electricity supplier (Amber Electric). They offer variable pricing (updaters every 30 mins) so there's an opportunity to automate the power down of energy hungry devices when the prices increase.
I've assembled most of the script but am having some trouble extracting one of the last required value from the JSON.
Attached is the beginning of the script and an example of the data that is available via the API.
Can anyone provide some example code to retrieve the wholesaleKWHPrice for the current period (the current period is the last period in the data set with type ACTUAL). This will involve selecting the value based on another value rather than a specific data point in the JSON.
Many thanks in advance
Kind Regards
Code: local https = require('ssl.https')
local ltn12 = require('ltn12')
local json = require('json')
local cBody = '{"postcode": "3000"}'
local cReq = {}
result1 = https.request({
url = 'https://api.amberelectric.com.au/prices/listprices',
method = 'POST',
headers = {
['content-length'] = #cBody,
['content-type'] = 'application/json'
source = ltn12.source.string(cBody),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(cReq)
if (cReq) then
mydata = "[" .. table.concat(cReq) .. "]"
totalfixedKWHPrice = json.decode(mydata)[1].data.staticPrices.E1.totalfixedKWHPrice
lossFactor = json.decode(mydata)[1].data.staticPrices.E1.lossFactor
-- Retrieve the current price - the latest period with type ACTUAL
--wholesaleKWHPrice = json.decode(mydata)[1].data.variablePricesAndRenewables.[period].wholesaleKWHPrice
currentPrice = totalfixedKWHPrice + lossFactor * wholesaleKWHPrice
Here is an example of the data returned via the API
Code: {
RE: Extracting Values from JSON data - Amber Electric API - Erwin van der Zwart - 27.12.2020
Try this:
Code: local https = require('ssl.https')
local ltn12 = require('ltn12')
local json = require('json')
local cBody = '{"postcode": "3000"}'
local cReq = {}
result1 = https.request({
url = 'https://api.amberelectric.com.au/prices/listprices',
method = 'POST',
headers = {
['content-length'] = #cBody,
['content-type'] = 'application/json'
source = ltn12.source.string(cBody),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(cReq)
if (cReq) then
mydata = json.pdecode(table.concat(cReq))
totalfixedKWHPrice = mydata.data.staticPrices.E1.totalfixedKWHPrice
lossFactor = mydata.data.staticPrices.E1.lossFactor
-- Retrieve the current price - the latest period with type ACTUAL
wholesaleKWHPrice = mydata.data.variablePricesAndRenewables[#mydata.data.variablePricesAndRenewables].wholesaleKWHPrice
currentPrice = totalfixedKWHPrice + lossFactor * wholesaleKWHPrice
#mydata.data.variablePricesAndRenewables gives you the length of the subset variablePricesAndRenewables and you pick up the latest field of the sub set variablePricesAndRenewables
RE: Extracting Values from JSON data - Amber Electric API - jamesng - 27.12.2020
Hi Erwin,
The last value of the variablePricesAndRenewables subset isn't always the value we require - we need the period for the half hour increment which is the last one tagged as periodType":"ACTUAL"
.. this will change depending on the time of day. The variablePricesAndRenewables subset contains half hour increments for the day. The point where the tags change from ACTUAL to FORECAST changes based on the time of day that we pull the data.
Is there a way to scan the JSON data values within the variablePricesAndRenewables subset to find the last one tagged with periodType":"ACTUAL" rather than the last one in the subset?
Kind Regards
Further to my last message I've added the following code to return the last period of type ACTUAL
Code: for i,k in ipairs(mydata.data.variablePricesAndRenewables) do
if (k.periodType == 'ACTUAL') then
wholesaleKWHPrice = k.wholesaleKWHPrice
Thanks for your help