Easee EV Charger - tomnord - 15.04.2021
Hello, any ideas on how to integrate this?
I've found a Python script on github, is it possible to convert this in any way?
RE: Easee EV Charger - admin - 15.04.2021
This is a similar API: https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=1786
There's a difference in login procedure (GetToken function). You need to set the 'content-type' header to 'application/json' and send username/password as json string:
Code: request_body= json.encode({
userName = 'aaa',
password = 'bbb',
RE: Easee EV Charger - tomnord - 15.04.2021
Thanks, it works.
What would be the best way if i wanted the connection to the API to stay active, and then run seperate scripts for various commands?
It's not best practise to request new tokens for every command.
RE: Easee EV Charger - admin - 16.04.2021
Create a scheduled script that will call GetToken() periodically and save the token into storage. All other scripts will use this token to make requests.
Check the expiresIn field that /api/accounts/token returns. It will tell for how many seconds the token is valid. Adjust scheduled script execution period accordingly.
RE: Easee EV Charger - P3774n - 11.01.2022
(15.04.2021, 19:56)tomnord Wrote: Thanks, it works.
What would be the best way if i wanted the connection to the API to stay active, and then run seperate scripts for various commands?
It's not best practise to request new tokens for every command.
Did you get your script to work?
Are you willing to share your script and the commands for the Easee charger?
RE: Easee EV Charger - Habib - 14.01.2022
that would be very nice and would save me a lot of time :-)
RE: Easee EV Charger - tomnord - 28.01.2022
Works like a charm. I'll post when I have access to my LM again.
RE: Easee EV Charger - P3774n - 20.09.2022
(28.01.2022, 16:28)tomnord Wrote: Works like a charm. I'll post when I have access to my LM again.
Hi soo exaited about this!
Will you post it? Or sent it on PM?
RE: Easee EV Charger - tomnord - 07.10.2022
Code: -- Load modules
-- Set credentials for Easee API
ChargerID = storage.get('EaseeAPI_ChargerID')
API_Token = storage.get('EaseeAPI_Token') --reads API Token from storage, The token is fetched from scheduled script: "Easee_Authenticate"
function RequestFromEasee(request)
request_url = 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/' .. request
local response_body = {}
local request_body = ""
local body, code, hdrs, stat = ssl.https.request{
url = request_url;
method = "GET";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. API_Token;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if code == 200 then
ret = table.concat(response_body)
ret = json.pdecode(ret)
return ret
--API_Token = GetToken() -- request a new token
-- Get products, run once to get charger ID
if ChargerID == nil then
chargers = RequestFromEasee('chargers')
Easee_ChargerID = chargers[1]["id"]
--log(Easee_ChargerID, 'ID') -- Check here for your charger ID
storage.set('EaseeAPI_ChargerID', Easee_ChargerID)
ChargerState = RequestFromEasee('chargers/' .. ChargerID .. '/state')
currentChargePower = ChargerState["totalPower"]
currentCableRating = ChargerState["cableRating"]
currentMaxPower = ChargerState["outputCurrent"]
chargerOnline = ChargerState["isOnline"]
currentChargeEnergy = ChargerState["sessionEnergy"]
log(currentChargePower, currentCableRating, currentMaxPower, chargerOnline, currentChargeEnergy)
function WriteToEasee(request, request_body)
request_url = 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/' .. request
local response_body = {}
local content_length
if type(request_body) == "string" then
content_length = #request_body
request_body = ""
local body, code, hdrs, stat = ssl.https.request{
url = request_url;
method = "POST";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. API_Token;
["Content-Length"] = content_length;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if code == 200 then
ret = table.concat(response_body)
ret = json.pdecode(ret)
return ret
API_Token = GetToken() -- request a new token
Code: require('json')
-- Set credentials for Easee API
email ='****************'
password ='*************'
function GetToken()
request_token_url = 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/accounts/login'
local response_body = {}
local request_body = json.encode({
userName = email,
password = password,
local body, code, hdrs, stat = ssl.https.request{
url = request_token_url;
method = "POST";
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
["Content-Length"] = #request_body;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body);
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body);
if code == 200 then
ret = table.concat(response_body)
ret = json.pdecode(ret)
return ret.accessToken
-- Request token
if not API_Token then
API_Token = GetToken()
log(API_Token, 'api_token')
--Store API Token to memory
storage.set('EaseeAPI_Token', API_Token)