Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 21.09.2021
I am using Schneider Philips HUE Libraries ( with LM to control HUE Lamps.
It works fine,but... there is no mention of how to get the status of the lamps.
This is very important because in this way there is no correspondence of the states between those indicated in the Philips app on smartphone and those of the LM.
Ok, I can turn them on and off, but how can I associate the status of a lamp with an ETS object?
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - admin - 22.09.2021
See this:
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 22.09.2021
Ok, thanks....
Do you think it's better to get rid of Schneider libraries or I could try to integrate them with yours?
What is the shortest way to make everything working?
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - Erwin van der Zwart - 22.09.2021
Do you mean the AN scripts? Then yes you should use mine (also SE) from link above (:
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 14.12.2021
hello, I was going crazy trying to command on a single group at a time, without succeeding. On and OFF acted on all groups. When I noticed in the function in the library what I think is an oversight:
Code: function sendToGroup(Group_num,body_request)
local response = {}
url = "http://"..ip_add.."/api/"..user.."/groups/"..tostring(Light_num).."/action",
method = 'PUT',
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response),
headers = {
['content-length'] = #body_request,
['content-type'] = 'application/json',
source = ltn12.source.string(body_request),
return response
I guess Light_num on url in 4 row is wrong and to be subsustite by Group_num.... am I right?
By the way, can I address a group by its name?
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - admin - 15.12.2021
You are right about the wrong variable in the code. It seems that groups can only be accessed by a number but not by a name. Group 0 is a broadcast group that controls all lights together.
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 15.12.2021
(15.12.2021, 05:50)admin Wrote: You are right about the wrong variable in the code. It seems that groups can only be accessed by a number but not by a name. Group 0 is a broadcast group that controls all lights together.
ok thanks.... another question:
-- Set name (Lookup in HUE app under light configuration) and feedback adresses (don't change statevalue, brivalue and colorvalue as they are used as memoryfield)
addressmapping = {
-- Name -- On/Off FB -- Bright FB -- Color FB
['Led Centrale Down'] = {state = '11/4/10', bri = '11/4/13', rgb = '11/4/12', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = ''},
['Led Destro Down'] = {state = '11/4/20', bri = '11/4/23', rgb = '11/4/22', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = ''},
['Led Sinistro Down'] = {state = '11/4/30', bri = '11/4/33', rgb = '11/4/32', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = ''},
['Led Centrale Up'] = {state = '12/4/10', bri = '12/4/13', rgb = '12/4/12', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = ''},
['Led Destro Up'] = {state = '12/4/20', bri = '12/4/23', rgb = '12/4/22', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = ''},
['Led Sinistro Up'] = {state = '12/4/30', bri = '12/4/33', rgb = '12/4/32', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = ''}
I can't get any feedback (neither commands) form rgb addresses.... actually I set them as 3 byte unsigned integer (232.600 colours), maybe is that wrong?
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - Erwin van der Zwart - 15.12.2021
Yes you can control by name by adding these 2 functions to your user.hue:
Code: function makeLightsTable()
local lights = getHueLights()
if lights then
lights = json.pdecode(lights)
LightsTable = {}
for _, foundlights in pairs(lights) do
LightsTable[] = tonumber(_)
storage.set("hue:lights", LightsTable)
return LightsTable
function makeGroupsTable()
local groups = getHueGroups()
if groups then
groups = json.pdecode(groups)
GroupsTable = {}
for _, foundgroups in pairs(groups) do
GroupsTable[] = tonumber(_)
storage.set("hue:groups", GroupsTable)
return GroupsTable
Then add this as a resident script at 0 seconds:
Code: --Create lights and groups table (resident at 0)
From now on you can get the lamp ID by name using this:
Code: lamp_id = storage.get("hue:lights")["Plafondlamp Woonkamer"] or 0
body_msg = '{"on":false}'
-- or
group_id = storage.get("hue:groups")["Woonkamer"] or 0
body_msg = '{"on":true}'
PS: You are correct, there once was a mistake in a older user.hue lib with the sendToGroup function, it was already corrected in my latest version(s)
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 15.12.2021
(15.12.2021, 14:09)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Yes you can control by name by adding these 2 functions to your user.hue:
Code: function makeLightsTable()
local lights = getHueLights()
if lights then
lights = json.pdecode(lights)
LightsTable = {}
for _, foundlights in pairs(lights) do
LightsTable[] = tonumber(_)
storage.set("hue:lights", LightsTable)
return LightsTable
function makeGroupsTable()
local groups = getHueGroups()
if groups then
groups = json.pdecode(groups)
GroupsTable = {}
for _, foundgroups in pairs(groups) do
GroupsTable[] = tonumber(_)
storage.set("hue:groups", GroupsTable)
return GroupsTable
Then add this as a resident script at 0 seconds:
Code: --Create lights and groups table (resident at 0)
From now on you can get the lamp ID by name using this:
Code: lamp_id = storage.get("hue:lights")["Plafondlamp Woonkamer"] or 0
body_msg = '{"on":false}'
-- or
group_id = storage.get("hue:groups")["Woonkamer"] or 0
body_msg = '{"on":true}'
PS: You are correct, there once was a mistake in a older user.hue lib with the sendToGroup function, it was already corrected in my latest version(s)
Sorry, I don't understand... I can already control on/off and 0-100% brightness.... How I could use that system? What I need is to set and feedback of RGB COLOURS....
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - Erwin van der Zwart - 15.12.2021
This was the answer on your initial question: By the way, can I address a group by its name?
I asumed you wanted to control the HUE group by name but I suppose you meant to use the KNX name instead of ‘1/1/1’ and the answer on that one is yes should work but never recommending that..
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 16.12.2021
Sorry, I didn't explain myself well, I messed up a bit with more than one problem... and by now it's ok to control HUE Groups by number.
I have no problems to control on-off and 0-100% brightness.
What I need now is to set the RGB colors and receive feedback, both for groups and for individual lamps.
Can you provide me the correct scripts to do it?
The one for the groups and the one for single light.
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - Erwin van der Zwart - 16.12.2021
Well, i won't promose to provide anything, quite busy at the time, but the question is why doesn't it work for you and works for me and others..
Do you have color lights or white/yellow? as white/yellow are controlled by XY values and not HUE values (RGB), so i guess this is the case..
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 16.12.2021
(16.12.2021, 12:16)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Well, i won't promose to provide anything, quite busy at the time, but the question is why doesn't it work for you and works for me and others..
Do you have color lights or white/yellow? as white/yellow are controlled by XY values and not HUE values (RGB), so i guess this is the case..
Don't worry, maybe I solved it.
I will let you know later if had troubles.
Thanks again
RE: Philips HUE Lamps state - gdimaria - 25.01.2022
since I also needed the color temperature feedback, I modified the "Hue feedback" script as per attached code.
But the result is that it assigns to all "ctstate" addresses the same value, that is, that of the first.
The rest of the script works fine.
Code: -- Set name (Lookup in HUE app under light configuration) and feedback adresses (don't change statevalue, brivalue and colorvalue as they are used as memoryfield)
addressmapping = {
-- Name -- On/Off FB -- Bright FB -- Color FB
['Led Sinistro Down'] = {state = '11/4/10', bri = '11/4/14', rgb = '12/5/14', ct = '12/5/15', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = '', ctstate =''},
['Led Centrale Down'] = {state = '11/4/20', bri = '11/4/24', rgb = '12/5/24', ct = '12/5/25', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = '', ctstate =''},
['Led Destro Down'] = {state = '11/4/30', bri = '11/4/34', rgb = '12/5/34', ct = '12/5/35', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = '', ctstate =''},
['Led Sinistro Up'] = {state = '12/4/10', bri = '12/4/14', rgb = '12/6/14', ct = '12/6/15', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = '', ctstate =''},
['Led Centrale Up'] = {state = '12/4/20', bri = '12/4/24', rgb = '12/6/24', ct = '12/6/25', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = '', ctstate =''},
['Led Destro Up'] = {state = '12/4/30', bri = '12/4/34', rgb = '12/6/34', ct = '12/6/35', statevalue = '', brivalue = '', colorvalue = '', ctstate =''}
-- Set polling interval in seconds
interval = 1
-- Use logging
logging = true
-- loop indefenitly
while true do
reply = getHueLights()
mylamps = json.decode(reply)
for _, item in pairs(mylamps) do
-- Check if lamp is found by bridge otherwise it make no sense to send commands
if item.state.reachable == true then
-- On/Off
name = addressmapping[]
if name then
addr = addressmapping[]['state']
if addr and addr ~= '' then
currentvalue = addressmapping[]['statevalue']
if currentvalue ~= item.state.on then
grp.update(addr, item.state.on)
addressmapping[]['statevalue'] = item.state.on
if logging == true then
log('lamp ' .. .. ' state is: ' .. tostring(item.state.on))
-- Brightness
name = addressmapping[]
if name then
addr = addressmapping[]['bri']
if addr and addr ~= '' then
-- Check if lamp is on otherwise overrule BRI value to 0
if item.state.on == false then
item.state.bri = 0
currentvalue = addressmapping[]['brivalue']
if currentvalue ~= item.state.bri then
grp.update(addr, math.floor((tonumber(item.state.bri)/2.55) + 0.5))
addressmapping[]['brivalue'] = item.state.bri
if logging == true then
log('lamp ' .. .. ' brightness is: ' .. math.floor((tonumber(item.state.bri)/2.55) + 0.5) .. ' %')
name = addressmapping[]
if name then
addr = addressmapping[]['ct']
if addr and addr ~= '' then
currentvalue = addressmapping[]['ctstate']
if currentvalue ~= item.state.ct then
grp.update(addr, tonumber(item.state.ct))
addressmapping[]['ctstate'] = item.state.ct
if logging == true then
log('lamp ' .. .. ' ct is: ' .. item.state.ct)
-- Color
name = addressmapping[]
if name then
addr = addressmapping[]['rgb']
if addr and addr ~= '' then
-- Check if lamp is on otherwise overrule color value to 0
if item.state.on == false then
colorvalue = 0
if item.state.colormode == 'xy' then
currentvalue = addressmapping[]['colorvalue']
colorvalue = xy_to_rgb(item.state.xy[1],item.state.xy[2],item.state.bri)
--colorvalue = xyz_to_rgb((item.state.xy[1] * 100), (item.state.xy[2] * 100))
if currentvalue ~= colorvalue then
grp.update(addr, colorvalue)
addressmapping[]['colorvalue'] = colorvalue
if logging == true then
log('lamp ' .. .. ' color is: ' .. colorvalue)
elseif item.state.colormode == 'ct' then
currentvalue = addressmapping[]['colorvalue']
--colortemp = math.floor((item.state.ct / 0.0769) + 0.5) --0.0769230769230769
colortemp = math.abs((item.state.ct - 500) / 2)
colortemp = math.floor(colortemp + 0.5)
colortemp = 80 + colortemp
if colortemp > 255 then
colortemp = 255
r = lmcore.inttohex(255, 1)
g = lmcore.inttohex(255, 1)
b = lmcore.inttohex(colortemp, 1)
rgb = r .. g .. b
colortemp = lmcore.hextoint(rgb,3)
if currentvalue ~= colortemp then
--colortempconverted = ct_to_rgb(colortemp)
grp.update(addr, colortemp)
addressmapping[]['colorvalue'] = colortemp
if logging == true then
log('lamp ' .. .. ' color is: ' .. colortemp)
--log('manufacturername = ' .. item.manufacturername)
--log('swversion = ' .. item.swversion)
--log('type = ' .. item.type)
--log('ct = ' .. item.state.ct)
--log('reachable = ' .. item.state.reachable)
--log('alert = ' .. item.state.alert)
--log('on = ' .. item.state.on)
--log('bri = ' .. item.state.bri)
--log('colormode = ' .. item.state.colormode)
--log('hue = ' .. item.state.hue)
--log('sat = ' .. item.state.sat)
--log('effect = ' .. item.state.effect)
--log('x = ' .. item.state.xy[1])
--log('y = ' .. item.state.xy[2])
--log('uniqueid = ' .. item.uniqueid)
--log('modelid = ' .. item.modelid)
--log('name = ' ..
-- Delay loop
I have missing something...