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Visualizing large amounts of time series data - Printable Version

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Visualizing large amounts of time series data - mjaanes - 16.01.2022

What is the recommended approach to visualize large amounts of time series data, integrated into the LM5/Wiser visualization? 

More specifically, I would like to make a trend graph displaying the current total power consumption of the house, read from Tibber Pulse every 5 seconds.
Ideally, data should be kept for one year back in time, but if that is not feasible, 24 hours is the minimum, i.e. 17280 datapoints.

I would like to be able to see immediate respons (i.e. max 5 seconds) if I switch off/on a particular device in the house. 
With electricity prices sky-rocketing in all of Europe, this would be a nice visualization feature to have integrated in the visualization of LM/Wiser to analyse your own power consumption over time.
Trend logs does not seem to have fine enough granularity and object log visualization seems to have a maximum of 200 data points (Wiser).
Any goods hints?

Thanks in advance

RE: Visualizing large amounts of time series data - admin - 17.01.2022

For historical data you can use trends. But if you need real-time data with high resolution you should use an external service like Grafana.