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Drexel und Weiss-Rs232 Modbus RTU connect to KNX - Printable Version

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Drexel und Weiss-Rs232 Modbus RTU connect to KNX - Moldy - 08.04.2022

Hi everyone!

I bought recently Schneider HomeLYnk Lss100200. I'm a beginner  Sad
I have an Aerosilent Stratos and has only Rs232 interface. I have KNX protocol in Home.
I want to connect Stratos in KNX. (fan stage, indoor air(Read/Write)- KNX Group Addresses)

.pdf   900.6667_00_TI_Modbus_Parameter_V4.01_DE.pdf (Size: 1.48 MB / Downloads: 16)


I am grateful for your help (suggestions)


RE: Drexel und Weiss-Rs232 Modbus RTU connect to KNX - Daniel - 11.04.2022

Start by using Modbus Read test and see if you get any data.