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Visualisation without password for LM4 inside the local LAN - Printable Version

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Visualisation without password for LM4 inside the local LAN - andeug - 09.10.2016


I have a smart flat with lots of LAN/wireless devices, and some of them I use occasionally to connect to LM4: a tablet, an iPhone, a Sony Bravia Android TV and the Schneider 7" Touch Panel. 

My request:

1. On the local LAN I would like to access the LM4 without password and I am still asked every time for a password. (note that my external IP is 94.137.xxx.xxx:2000 and the local network IP of LM4 is

Is there any way to make an account on LM4 that does not requires user/pwd while being on the local LAN? Can I limit, for example, to give access just to some devices from the LAN that have a specific MAC address, to be able to access LM4 without password?

I don’t need an user/password for something that is on an internal LAN and can control the LM4. Of course, as the LM4 needs to be accessed from the outside WAN, there I need an user/password.

2. I need a dedicated viewer account for viewing and controlling the system, and not an admin account. The viewer account account should only see the regular menu without LogicMachine (configurator), System Config and Mosaic Admin configuration menus.

My Setup:
I have a main router Linksys WRT1200AC, cascaded on a Gigabit Ethernet Linksys Smart Switch (LGS326P with PoE) network with 10.20.30.xx IP range, where the Smart TV, Sonos and computers are located.

Do you have currently a technical suggestion regarding how to do this separation of users with and without password? My smart TV has Opera browser which is asking me all the time the user/pwd after reboot and it’s really annoying, even if I use the format http://<user>:<pass>@serveradress:port as bookmarked link.

Hopefully, the multi-user request will be a feature which will be implemented on a future firmware upgrade, as I am in big need of it, especially if it would have a MAC admission/blocking address filter feature active.

Thank you,

RE: Visualisation without password for LM4 inside the local LAN - cumulusnimbus - 08.11.2016


I like the idea of local login without authentication in some way.

But the problem with password prompting all the time could be solved easily by having the cookie timeout > 1 year. Then as long as you have logged in you are not prompted again. This is something that should be a option in the configuration. Session cookie timeout time or something.


RE: Visualisation without password for LM4 inside the local LAN - Erwin van der Zwart - 08.11.2016


Create a new user. (not admin)

Pass new user and password in url on local devices..




RE: Visualisation without password for LM4 inside the local LAN - andeug - 08.11.2016

Hi Erwin,

A user (not admin account) is treated differently by the system, in terms of login-required?
My problem was that, after the restart, the Opera browser of my smart TV was asking me again the user and password, even if I've been using already your indicated http string...
I would prefer on local LAN to have a non-password protected LM4. As you have seen in our interaction with Sonos app, in some of the command lines I've had to add manually the user:password string.


RE: Visualisation without password for LM4 inside the local LAN - Erwin van der Zwart - 09.11.2016


Question: Why is adding give of take 20 characters ONCE such a big issue?

This way you keep a level of security, using a new user makes sure your admin password is not reveiled anywhere. If hackers can hack banks they can surely hack your $20,- modem...

I think keeping password local and remote is a must and you should add password on URL local witn new user to have only exposed a non admin password.
Yes a new user is handled different then admin user, that's why you should you it (:

But that's just my opinion (:

