Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - vmic - 23.11.2022
I would like to create a logic schedule like in the photo I am sending (its from a LOGO! Soft Comfort example I made for this schedule).
What I need to make is when the last room thermostat is getting close I need on electrovalalve to stay oppened so I will create a by pass hydraylic system for the water to avoid much pressure in the water circuit.
How I am going to do it in FB editor cause as far as I can see there is no NAND gate inside editor.
Can you please help me withis issue?
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - Daniel - 23.11.2022
I added nor function to the universal gate script. Resident scrpt 0 interval and tag your inputs sctipt and fill the table
Code: if not client then
-- each group has 3 fields:
-- tag - status object tag
-- output - status output object
-- mode - calculate mode (and/or/avg/nor)
groups = {
{ tag = 'nor1', output = '0/0/8', mode = 'nor' },
-- time to wait between last telegram from any status in group and update
updatedelay = 0.5
-- object value cache
values = {}
-- object datatype cache
datatypes = {}
-- send update only when value changes
grp.checkupdate = function(alias, value)
if values[ alias ] ~= value then
grp.update(alias, value)
calc = {}
-- AVERAGE value
calc['avg'] = function(group)
local result, count, value = 0, 0
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
value = values[ address ]
-- number must be in [0..100] range
if type(value) == 'number' then
result = result + value
count = count + 1
-- boolean true is 100%, false is 0%
elseif type(value) == 'boolean' then
if toboolean(value) then
result = result + 100
count = count + 1
if count > 0 then
result = math.floor(result / count + 0.5)
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- AND gate
calc['and'] = function(group)
local result = true
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
result = result and toboolean(values[ address ])
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- OR gate
calc['or'] = function(group)
local result = false
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
result = result or toboolean(values[ address ])
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- NOR gate
calc['nor'] = function(group)
local result = false
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
result = result or toboolean(values[ address ])
grp.checkupdate(group.output, not result)
-- prepare each group
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
object = grp.find(group.output)
-- cache output status object value and datatype
values[ object.address ] = object.data
datatypes[ object.address ] = object.datatype
group.output = object.address
-- group input status object list
group.objects = {}
-- find all status objects and cache values and datatypes
objects = grp.tag(group.tag)
for _, object in ipairs(objects) do
values[ object.address ] = object.data
datatypes[ object.address ] = object.datatype
table.insert(group.objects, object.address)
-- force update on first run
group.timer = 0
-- calc function reference
group.fn = calc[ group.mode ]
-- handle group writes
function eventhandler(event)
local dst, datatype
dst = event.dst
datatype = datatypes[ event.dst ]
-- unknown object, stop
if not datatype then
values[ dst ] = dpt.decode(event.datahex, datatype)
-- check if any group needs to be updated
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
if address == dst then
group.timer = updatedelay
client = eibdgm:new({ timeout = 0.25 })
client:sethandler('groupwrite', eventhandler)
tsec, tusec = os.microtime()
delta = os.udifftime(tsec, tusec)
-- check if any group has an active timer
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
timer = group.timer
if timer then
timer = timer - delta
-- timer expired, run calc function
if timer <= 0 then
timer = nil
group.timer = timer
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - vmic - 24.11.2022
Hi and thank you for your answer.
Beacuse I am not very familiar with scripting is it another way to do it or can you please explain me how is this going to be executed?
Thank you in advance
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - Daniel - 24.11.2022
There is no need for any scripting here. Just copy whole script to a resident one and fill the table in line 8. tag is the tag name which you should add to all input objects you want to monitor. output is the group address to you want to write result. mode no need to change, You can use same script for other logics as described.
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - vmic - 24.11.2022
(24.11.2022, 08:37)Daniel Wrote: There is no need for any scripting here. Just copy whole script to a resident one and fill the table in line 8. tag is the tag name which you should add to all input objects you want to monitor. output is the group address to you want to write result. mode no need to change, You can use same script for other logics as described.
I just created a new scripting to a resident one as you can see in the photo image and I filled the line in table 8 . I changed the name in the tag place (tag name) but whre all the other inputs are ?
And how I am going to test it to my office like a simulation if it's working or not?
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - Daniel - 25.11.2022
Go to objects and find your input object and click on it. You will see one of the fields Tag, type there nor1
Do the same of all other input objects but NOT output.
Go to your resident script and delete it!
Now create new one and paste my script again.
Change 0/0/8 to 0/0/1 (I'm guessing this is your output object)
Save, just in case disable the script and enable again.
You can simply test it by changing manually values of the input objects and monitor the output. You do it in object tab.
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - vmic - 26.11.2022
Hi thank you for your answer
We made another Logo project cause I have been told that when the specific electrovalve mains open then automatically the heatpump must turn to Off cause we don't want heated water pass through just water in a normal temperature.
So we made this Logic diagram
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - Stuart2000 - 09.12.2022
How will this look when min/max/avg
DanielI added nor function to the universal gate script. Resident scrpt 0 interval and tag your inputs sctipt and fill the table
Code: if not client then
-- each group has 3 fields:
-- tag - status object tag
-- output - status output object
-- mode - calculate mode (and/or/avg/nor)
groups = {
{ tag = 'nor1', output = '0/0/8', mode = 'nor' },
-- time to wait between last telegram from any status in group and update
updatedelay = 0.5
-- object value cache
values = {}
-- object datatype cache
datatypes = {}
-- send update only when value changes
grp.checkupdate = function(alias, value)
if values[ alias ] ~= value then
grp.update(alias, value)
calc = {}
-- AVERAGE value
calc['avg'] = function(group)
local result, count, value = 0, 0
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
value = values[ address ]
-- number must be in [0..100] range
if type(value) == 'number' then
result = result + value
count = count + 1
-- boolean true is 100%, false is 0%
elseif type(value) == 'boolean' then
if toboolean(value) then
result = result + 100
count = count + 1
if count > 0 then
result = math.floor(result / count + 0.5)
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- AND gate
calc['and'] = function(group)
local result = true
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
result = result and toboolean(values[ address ])
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- OR gate
calc['or'] = function(group)
local result = false
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
result = result or toboolean(values[ address ])
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- NOR gate
calc['nor'] = function(group)
local result = false
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
result = result or toboolean(values[ address ])
grp.checkupdate(group.output, not result)
-- prepare each group
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
object = grp.find(group.output)
-- cache output status object value and datatype
values[ object.address ] = object.data
datatypes[ object.address ] = object.datatype
group.output = object.address
-- group input status object list
group.objects = {}
-- find all status objects and cache values and datatypes
objects = grp.tag(group.tag)
for _, object in ipairs(objects) do
values[ object.address ] = object.data
datatypes[ object.address ] = object.datatype
table.insert(group.objects, object.address)
-- force update on first run
group.timer = 0
-- calc function reference
group.fn = calc[ group.mode ]
-- handle group writes
function eventhandler(event)
local dst, datatype
dst = event.dst
datatype = datatypes[ event.dst ]
-- unknown object, stop
if not datatype then
values[ dst ] = dpt.decode(event.datahex, datatype)
-- check if any group needs to be updated
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
if address == dst then
group.timer = updatedelay
client = eibdgm:new({ timeout = 0.25 })
client:sethandler('groupwrite', eventhandler)
tsec, tusec = os.microtime()
delta = os.udifftime(tsec, tusec)
-- check if any group has an active timer
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
timer = group.timer
if timer then
timer = timer - delta
-- timer expired, run calc function
if timer <= 0 then
timer = nil
group.timer = timer
RE: Logic Gates with Logic Machine FB Editor - admin - 12.12.2022
Average is already implemented, for min/max add these functions before -- prepare each group
Code: -- MAX value
calc['max'] = function(group)
local result = -math.huge
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
local value = values[ address ]
if type(value) == 'number' then
result = math.max(result, value)
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
-- MIN value
calc['min'] = function(group)
local result = math.huge
for _, address in ipairs(group.objects) do
local value = values[ address ]
if type(value) == 'number' then
result = math.min(result, value)
grp.checkupdate(group.output, result)
Add mapping like this:
Code: groups = {
{ tag = 'nor1', output = '0/0/8', mode = 'nor' },
{ tag = 'avg1', output = '0/0/1', mode = 'avg' },
{ tag = 'min1', output = '0/0/2', mode = 'min' },
{ tag = 'max1', output = '0/0/3', mode = 'max' },