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rewrite Python code to Lua - Printable Version

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rewrite Python code to Lua - Hadeel - 30.04.2023


I am controlling an audio software with udp.
Follwoing is the python code working on the site.

from pythonosc.udp_client import SimpleUDPClient

ip = ""
to_ableton = 11000
from_ableton = 11001
client = SimpleUDPClient(ip, to_ableton)

client.send_message("/topic/of/message", [a, b, c])

I want to execute this from LM so I need to rewrite this in Lua. 
I've tried follwoing code but I got an error "invalid value (table) at index 2 in table for 'concat'".
Could you help me write this code properly? 

local socket = require("socket")
local ip = ""
local to_ableton = 11000
local from_ableton = 11001
local msg = {"/topic/of/message", {a, b, c}}
local udp = socket.udp()
udp:setpeername(ip, to_ableton)
udp:send(table.concat(msg, " "))

Thank you very much for your help  Smile

RE: rewrite Python code to Lua - admin - 02.05.2023

It's not that simple. You need a library for the OSC protocol: https://github.com/davidgranstrom/losc/

Run this script once to install the library (make sure that LM has valid gateway and DNS settings):
if not io.exists('/usr/share/lua/losc/') then
  os.execute('wget -O /tmp/losc.tar.gz http://dl.openrb.com/misc/losc.tar.gz && ' ..
    'tar -xzf /tmp/losc.tar.gz -C /')

A slight difference from the examples is that the main library should be loaded like this:
-- instead of local losc = require'losc'
local losc = require'losc.init'

RE: rewrite Python code to Lua - Hadeel - 03.05.2023

Wow thank you admin!
I never thought about that.
I executed the installation script as you wrote and now I can successfully send request to Abelton.  Smile

However I am having difficulties with receiving messages from Abelton.
This is what I am trying on resident script with 0 interval but it seems like I'm not receiving anything.
Can you tell if I'm doing something wrong?  Cry

local losc = require'losc.init'
local plugin = require'losc.plugins.udp-socket'

local udp = plugin.new {
  recvAddr = '',
  recvPort = 11001,
  ignore_late = true, -- ignore late bundles
local osc = losc.new {plugin = udp}

osc:add_handler('*', function(data)

RE: rewrite Python code to Lua - admin - 03.05.2023

recvAddr must be your LM IP address. is an internal address which cannot receive anything from remote hosts.
You need to call osc:open() after osc:add_handler(...)

RE: rewrite Python code to Lua - Hadeel - 03.05.2023

Omg it worked!
I cannot describe how thankful I am! 
Thank you for your help even though it's about osc and abelton. 
Much appreciated  Angel