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Writing to Modbus - Printable Version

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Writing to Modbus - Amelie - 21.06.2023


I'm trying to write to the Modbus of my Nine heatpump. I have the script:

mb = luamodbus.tcp()
mb:open('', 502)
mb:writeregisters(1078, 1)

The code is not tested yet, so there are probable faults in.

But, now I realised, that when I looked to the modbus, there are 2 registers withe the number 1078, a holdingregister and an inputregister.
Titel                    Type register            Register
Status meer warmwater    MODBUS_INPUT_REGISTER    1078
Ontdooitijd (FLM 3)    MODBUS_HOLDING_REGISTER    1078

How can I make sure that I write to the correct register.?

RE: Writing to Modbus - admin - 21.06.2023

Input registers and holding registers are different entities so they can have the same address. Only holding registers are writable, input registers are read-only.