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+--- Thread: PAGE LINK WITH EVENT SCRIPT (/showthread.php?tid=5107)

PAGE LINK WITH EVENT SCRIPT - j.martinez@t-ingeniamos.com - 22.11.2023

Hello everyone,

I am trying to force to open a page when a event trigger.

I want to show a page with an alarm manager app frame when some scripts was triggered.

How could i change the visu page in the script?

Kind Regards,

RE: PAGE LINK WITH EVENT SCRIPT - Erwin van der Zwart - 23.11.2023


This functionality is already built-in the Alert Manager, make sure to enable “persistent” on the iframe to keep the function loaded when the iframe is in the background.

There are also some settings for this in the Alert Manager menu but by default “the jump to” is enabled.

When a new alarm is received the plan holding the iframe with Alert manager will be forced to the foreground.

RE: PAGE LINK WITH EVENT SCRIPT - j.martinez@t-ingeniamos.com - 23.11.2023

Thank you Edwin.

I will try but yesterday didn't popup automatically.

Kind Regards,

RE: PAGE LINK WITH EVENT SCRIPT - Erwin van der Zwart - 23.11.2023

Just tested and works.. make sure to have these settings on your frame:

RE: PAGE LINK WITH EVENT SCRIPT - j.martinez@t-ingeniamos.com - 02.01.2024

Persistent was the problem.

Now is working

Thank you very much Erwin.