Lorawan - The Things Network - Dragino sensor PS-LB - clue9 - 06.12.2023
I had a need for a remote sensor to monitor the waterlevel in a well in the forest 200m from house uphill with terrain in the way from the house, and ended out with a lorawan sensor from Dragino (PS-LB model)
Have it communicating to the things network now and gets the payload decoded by a code i got from draginos websites in the TTN console. But in MQTT explorer it seems like every package is formatted in a .json format in one topic and not with the decoded data as separate topics to subscribe to.
here is a copy paste the end topic (v3/sensor-well-level@ttn/devices/eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/up) from MQTT explorer.
Code: {
"end_device_ids": {
"device_id": "eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"application_ids": {
"application_id": "sensor-well-level"
"dev_eui": " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
"join_eui": " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
"dev_addr": "xxxxxxxx"
"correlation_ids": [
"received_at": "2023-12-06T23:01:24.067287960Z",
"uplink_message": {
"session_key_id": "AYwxx9WcxkxxxFh5xxeYZg==",
"f_port": 2,
"f_cnt": 573,
"frm_payload": "DO4ABSM+AAAA",
"decoded_payload": {
"Bat_V": 3.31,
"Exti_pin_level": "Low",
"Exti_status": "False",
"IDC_intput_mA": 9.022,
"IN1_pin_level": "Low",
"IN2_pin_level": "Low",
"Probe_mod": 0,
"VDC_intput_V": 0,
"Water_deep_cm": 156.938
"rx_metadata": [
"gateway_ids": {
"gateway_id": "tos-loragw-03-bjolab-net",
"eui": "3133303719004900"
"time": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.822356Z",
"timestamp": 106957004,
"rssi": -104,
"channel_rssi": -104,
"snr": 6.5,
"location": {
"latitude": 69.655554,
"longitude": 18.919952,
"altitude": 80,
"uplink_token": "CiYKJAoYdG9zLWxvcmxxxxxxYWItbmV0EggxMzA3xxxxxxxxxw/rDqwYQ1u6zmAMg4LmJuY6A+wE=",
"channel_index": 6,
"received_at": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.856487766Z"
"gateway_ids": {
"gateway_id": "tos-loragw-02-bjolab-net",
"eui": "313330371A006500"
"time": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.823376Z",
"timestamp": 1786967500,
"rssi": -103,
"channel_rssi": -103,
"snr": 3,
"location": {
"latitude": 69.661456,
"longitude": 18.93894,
"altitude": 111,
"uplink_token": "CiYKJAoYdG9zLWxxxxxxxxxYWItbmV0EggxMzA3GgBlAxxxxxxxxxxMCMP6w6sGEKKwzZsDIODJwPyAjYcC",
"channel_index": 6,
"received_at": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.863197218Z"
"gateway_ids": {
"gateway_id": "tos-loragw-01-bjolab-net",
"eui": "3133303722003D00"
"time": "2023-12-06T23:00:42.527271Z",
"timestamp": 1961777188,
"rssi": -111,
"channel_rssi": -111,
"snr": -7,
"location": {
"latitude": 69.67219385058512,
"longitude": 18.96223068237305,
"altitude": 110,
"uplink_token": "CiYKJAoYdG9zLxxxxxxxxxxItbmV0EggxMzA3IgA9ABCkxxxxxxxxxMP6w6sGEIxxxxxwDIKCZoZiMkocC",
"channel_index": 6,
"received_at": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.864463746Z"
"settings": {
"data_rate": {
"lora": {
"bandwidth": 125000,
"spreading_factor": 7,
"coding_rate": "4/5"
"frequency": "867700000",
"timestamp": 106957004,
"time": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.822356Z"
"received_at": "2023-12-06T23:01:23.857527261Z",
"consumed_airtime": "0.056576s",
"locations": {
"user": {
"latitude": 69.691434,
"longitude": 18.7124573,
"altitude": 47,
"network_ids": {
"net_id": "000013",
"ns_id": "EC65xxxxxxxx0181",
"tenant_id": "ttn",
"cluster_id": "eu1",
"cluster_address": "eu1.cloud.thethings.network"
I need to get subscribed to new updates (each 20 minutes) for the data of interest, (se below snippet of the above where i add double ## in front to mark the interest) and send it to group adresses in my LM, one value to KNX ( "Water_deep_cm" ).
Someone here who could help as i see this involves .json and doble encoding and all this [ and { parts making me as a newbe lua guy confused how to sort this out.
MQTT server is
eu1.cloud.thethings.network:1883 and i have to supply a username and a password i get from TTN to connect as a client.
Code: ##"received_at": "2023-12-06T23:01:24.067287960Z",
"uplink_message": {
"session_key_id": "AYwxx9WcxkxxxFh5xxeYZg==",
"f_port": 2,
"f_cnt": 573,
"frm_payload": "DO4ABSM+AAAA",
"decoded_payload": {
##"Bat_V": 3.31,
"Exti_pin_level": "Low",
"Exti_status": "False",
##"IDC_intput_mA": 9.022,
"IN1_pin_level": "Low",
"IN2_pin_level": "Low",
"Probe_mod": 0,
"VDC_intput_V": 0,
##"Water_deep_cm": 156.938
RE: Lorawan - The Things Network - Dragino sensor PS-LB - admin - 07.12.2023
Create a resident script with non-zero sleep time. Modify username, password and topicname variables as needed. Change group addresses in the ON_MESSAGE callback.
Code: broker = 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network'
port = 8883
username = 'PUT_USER_HERE@ttn'
password = 'PUT_API_KEY_HERE'
topicname = 'v3/sensor-well-level@ttn/devices/eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/up'
mqtt = require('mosquitto')
client = mqtt.new()
client.ON_CONNECT = function(status, rc, msg)
if status then
log('mqtt connected')
log('mqtt connect failed ' .. tostring(msg))
client.ON_MESSAGE = function(mid, topic, payload)
local data = json.pdecode(payload)
if type(data) ~= 'table' then
local datetime = data.received_at
local sensor = data.uplink_message.decoded_payload
grp.checkwrite('1/1/1', datetime)
grp.checkwrite('1/1/2', sensor.Bat_V)
grp.checkwrite('1/1/3', sensor.IDC_intput_mA)
grp.checkwrite('1/1/4', sensor.Water_deep_cm)
client.ON_ERROR = log
client:login_set(username, password)
status, rc, msg = client:connect(broker, port)
if status then
log('connect failed: ' .. tostring(msg))