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Adding to the Pull Down menu in Touch - Printable Version

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Adding to the Pull Down menu in Touch - GCXO - 02.06.2024


Is there a way to add an option in the pulldown menu in the touch interface to perform an action as setting a Objectvalue to a certain value or maybe run a function in javascript?


For example I would like to add under General , Turn off alarms, which I need to send a value do an grpip.



RE: Adding to the Pull Down menu in Touch - GCXO - 02.06.2024

I've figured it out. For anyone else who needs to do this

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var container = document.querySelector('.sidebar');
        var ul = container.querySelector('ul');
        var li = document.createElement("li");
        var span = document.createElement("span");
        var link = document.createElement("a");
        link.href = "#"; 
        link.textContent = "Nuevo Link"; 
        li.addEventListener('click', HaceClick);
        var referenceNode = ul.getElementsByTagName("li")[3]; // Insert before 3rd in the list
        ul.insertBefore(li, referenceNode);   

function HaceClick() {
        alert('Ha pulsado Nuevo Link!');

It will appear in the left sidebar menu