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KNX Hybrid and Elko Thermostat EKO07259 - Printable Version

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KNX Hybrid and Elko Thermostat EKO07259 - lestole - 28.12.2024

I have an Elko Zigbee Thermostat EKO07259, but it does not seem to be recognised correctly. I can only allocate addresses for Temperature and Energy delivered (see attached image).

Manufacturer: Schneider Electric
Model: EKO07259
Firmware version: 001.000.029

Device type: Router
Power source: Mains
Receive when idle: Yes

Endpoint 1
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
- Groups (4)
- HvacThermostat (513)
- HvacUserInterfaceCfg (516)
- HaDiagnostic (2821)
- ManuSpecificWiserEvent (65027)
- ManuSpecificCycleTime (65302)
- ManuSpecificHeatingCooling (65315)
Output clusters
- Identify (3)
- Time (10)
- Ota (25)
- MsTemperatureMeasurement (1026)
- MsOccupancySensing (1030)

Endpoint 2
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
- MsTemperatureMeasurement (1026)
Output clusters
- Identify (3)

Endpoint 3
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
- MsTemperatureMeasurement (1026)
Output clusters
- Identify (3)

Endpoint 5
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
- Groups (4)
- SeMetering (1794)

Endpoint 242
Profile: 41440
Output clusters
- GreenPower (33)

Reported attributes
- currentsummdelivered: 0
- sepowerdivisor: 1000
- sepowermultiplier: 1


RE: KNX Hybrid and Elko Thermostat EKO07259 - Daniel - 02.01.2025

We notified SE about customers asking for integration of this device but it is SE decision if they want to add it or not. Contact SE support to create the pressure.

RE: KNX Hybrid and Elko Thermostat EKO07259 - lestole - 02.01.2025

I see..

But, you support the EKO30465


To my understanding this seems to be the same device, the only difference I can see is the physical frame type. They share the same specs:


We have also notified SE, but I would like to test the EKO07259/EKO07258 with the profile for EKO30465, is this possible? I am pretty certain that this will work.

So, to summarise:
The profile for EKO30465 should also be used for:



All the different device models (EKO07254, EKO07257, EKO07258, EKO07259, EKO30465) is even listed in the user manual for the supported device, and referred to as "Smart ZB Thermostat 16 A"

Please see page 5 in the attached user manual for EKO30465:

.pdf   EKO0725x_EKO30465_ELKO_DUG_EN.pdf (Size: 7.04 MB / Downloads: 10)

RE: KNX Hybrid and Elko Thermostat EKO07259 - Daniel - 02.01.2025

Again, talk to SE because we never seen this product and we don't support it.

RE: KNX Hybrid and Elko Thermostat EKO07259 - lestole - 02.01.2025

I am also talking to SE in parallell.

We are field testing the KNX Hybrid for SE, this is why I want to help by trying to test with the same profile. They even share the same user manual. The name of the user manual is EKO0725x_EKO30465 so it is the same product.