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Create Modbus client via script - Printable Version

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Create Modbus client via script - FatMax - 17.02.2017

Is there any method of creating a modbus client with a script? 


I have 100 preloaded profiles on a SL. Via VISU, I can input a IP adress scope. With a "number" object, I can determine how many clients that should be created based on IP address.

Is it possible?

RE: Create Modbus client via script - Erwin van der Zwart - 18.02.2017


Yes this is possible, this script simulates the form you normal fill in manually, basicly any user form can be simulated and automated (;

Try this script:

-- Batch adding modbus devices - Created by Erwin van der Zwart - Schneider Electric Netherlands -----------
-- For spaceLYnk FW 1.2.1 or higher and homeLYnk FW 1.5.1 or higher ----------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- Start Parameters ---------------------------------------------

-- Set username and password for access to SL/HL
username = 'admin'
password = 'admin'

---------------------------------------------- End Parameters ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE -----------------------------------
-- Load modules

-- Get current HL/SL ip address
data = io.readproc('if-json')
data = json.decode(data)
ip = data.eth0.inetaddr

-- Create url for modbus device creation
url = 'http://' .. username .. ':' .. password .. '@' .. ip .. '/scada-main/general/plugin?plugin=modbus&request=device-save'

-- Set counters for creation log
number_of_devices = 0
number_failed = 0

-- Function to send request to create modbus device
function url_send(device_proto, device_name, device_profile, device_ip, device_port, device_slave, device_pollinterval, device_id)
 local device = {
     proto = device_proto,
     name = device_name,
   profile = device_profile,
     ip = device_ip,
     port = device_port,
   slave = device_slave,
   pollinterval = device_pollinterval,
   id = device_id,
 data = json.encode(device)
    form_data = 'data=' .. socket.url.escape(data)
    socket.http.TIMEOUT = 15  
    local res, code, response_header = socket.http.request(url, form_data)
 return res, code, response_header

-- Create devices
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
 -- used fields to send: protocol,name,profile,ip,port,slave,pollinterval,id
 result, code, response_header = url_send("tcp", "Device " .. i, "iEM-iEM3155", "192.168.10." .. i, "502", i, "5", "")
 -- Calculate results for creation devices log
 if result == '{"success":true}' then
   number_of_devices = number_of_devices + 1
   number_failed = number_failed + 1

-- Create result log
if number_failed == 0 then
 log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully")
 log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully and creation of " .. number_failed .. " devices failed")

-- Disable script when done automaticly

I assume your next question will be: How do i automate the mappings (:

Here is a sample to automaticly create new objects and map them to your modbus device. Objects are created with correct type by info of modbus mapping data points.

Only un-mapped objects are processed, if a object is mapped already it's skipped. 

If you don't want to map all points you need to add some conditions or create a new modbus profile with only points to be auto mapped.

query = 'SELECT * FROM modbus_mapping'
counter = 0
for _, mapping in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
  if mapping.bus_address == "" or  mapping.bus_address == nil then
    grp_address = '1/1/' .. counter
    if counter < 256 then
      dec_grp_address = knxlib.encodega(grp_address)
      address = grp.create({
      datatype = mapping.datatype,
      address = grp_address,
      name = mapping.name,
      comment = 'Auto mapped by script',
      units = mapping.units,
      tags = {},
      counter = counter + 1
      db:update('modbus_mapping', { bus_address = dec_grp_address, bus_write = 1, value_delta = 0.1, value_custom = 'Auto mapped by script' }, { id = mapping.id })

Please make a back-up before running both of these scripts to be sure the result is what you expect as this script will and can add a lot of objects and create a lot of links automaticly.

This auto mapping script is limited to 256 objects, when you need more auto mappings there needs to be a extra step to move to next address scope. That is not included now.

You can now goto next step to add plans automaticly, add these objects automatic to the plan including images and have a full visu page with your metering device in just 1 mouse click (;

That step is up to you (;



RE: Create Modbus client via script - AEK - 28.09.2017

(18.02.2017, 00:03)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote:
query = 'SELECT * FROM modbus_mapping'
counter = 0
for _, mapping in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
  if mapping.bus_address == "" or  mapping.bus_address == nil then
    grp_address = '1/1/' .. counter
    if counter < 256 then
      dec_grp_address = knxlib.encodega(grp_address)
      address = grp.create({
      datatype = mapping.datatype,
      address = grp_address,
      name = mapping.name,
      comment = 'Auto mapped by script',
      units = mapping.units,
      tags = {},
      counter = counter + 1
      db:update('modbus_mapping', { bus_address = dec_grp_address, bus_write = 1, value_delta = 0.1, value_custom = 'Auto mapped by script' }, { id = mapping.id })
Hi, Erwin!
Could you modify this script to create more then 256 objects at once?
I have profile with around 900 registers and it's not full

RE: Create Modbus client via script - Erwin van der Zwart - 28.09.2017


Yes i could, but i don't see the point (:

You can change grp.address = '1/1/' .. counter to grp.address = '1/2/' .. counter and run it again, the script checks already if a object is already mapped and skips it then, so it will resume on the unmapped objects.

If you have 900 objects just run it 4 times and change the grp.address range between each run.

also add script.disable(_SCRIPTNAME) at the end of the above script to avoid it from running multiple times when using it from a resident script



RE: Create Modbus client via script - FatMax - 29.09.2017

I see i forgot to thank you for this script Erwin. Modified to my needs and it works flawlessly!

RE: Create Modbus client via script - toujour - 29.09.2017

Hi to Everybody,

I like your scripts !!  Wink

I have a problem with only one object in modbus mapping profile, please see the image in the attachment.

I want change the COIL 192 to COIL 191 ( I forgot it in the profile     Angry  )

Can I use a script to change only this point ? I have more then 500 point in this modbus device.

Thanks in Advance !


RE: Create Modbus client via script - AEK - 29.09.2017

(28.09.2017, 20:22)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Hi,

Yes i could, but i don't see the point (:

You can change grp.address = '1/1/' .. counter to grp.address = '1/2/' .. counter and run it again, the script checks already if a object is already mapped and skips it then, so it will resume on the unmapped objects.

If you have 900 objects just run it 4 times and change the grp.address range between each run.

also add script.disable(_SCRIPTNAME) at the end of the above script to avoid it from running multiple times when using it from a resident script


I've tried to modify and seems it works

-- Select all entrys from DB inside table 'modbus_mapping'
-- "id", "internal_id", "device", "name", "active", "bus_write", "bus_address", "bus_datatype", "internal", "type", "value_delta","value_base","value_multiplier","value_bitmask","value_nan","value_conv","value_custom","units","address","address_scale","read_count","read_offset","read_swap","datatype","writable","write_only","write_multiple"
query = 'SELECT * FROM modbus_mapping'
counter = 0
for _, mapping in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
 if mapping.bus_address == "" or  mapping.bus_address == nil then
   mid_group = math.floor(counter/256)
   grp_address = '32/'..mid_group..'/' .. (counter - 256*mid_group)
   if counter < 2047 then
     dec_grp_address = knxlib.encodega(grp_address)
     address = grp.create({
     datatype = mapping.datatype,
     address = grp_address,
     name = mapping.name,
     comment = 'Auto mapped by script',
     units = mapping.units,
     tags = {},
     counter = counter + 1
     db:update('modbus_mapping', { bus_address = dec_grp_address, bus_write = 1, value_delta = 0.1, value_custom = 'Auto mapped by script' }, { id = mapping.id })
but few times this script did not fill full modbus table. it stops on 32/0/225, but all GA was created (the last was 32/3/***)
this script worked about 1 minute

(29.09.2017, 07:37)toujour Wrote: Hi to Everybody,

I like your scripts !!  Wink

I have a problem with only one object in modbus mapping profile, please see the image in the attachment.

I want change the COIL 192 to COIL 191 ( I forgot it in the profile     Angry  )

Can I use a script to change only this point ? I have more then 500 point in this modbus device.

Thanks in Advance !

I think there is another simple way
You can create additional profile for your modbus device only with coil 191.

RE: Create Modbus client via script - toujour - 29.09.2017

New thread for my question --> Change Modbus Client via Script

RE: Create Modbus client via script - FatMax - 25.05.2018

(18.02.2017, 00:03)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Hi,

Yes this is possible, this script simulates the form you normal fill in manually, basicly any user form can be simulated and automated (;

Try this script:

-- Batch adding modbus devices - Created by Erwin van der Zwart - Schneider Electric Netherlands -----------
-- For spaceLYnk FW 1.2.1 or higher and homeLYnk FW 1.5.1 or higher ----------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- Start Parameters ---------------------------------------------

-- Set username and password for access to SL/HL
username = 'admin'
password = 'admin'

---------------------------------------------- End Parameters ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE -----------------------------------
-- Load modules

-- Get current HL/SL ip address
data = io.readproc('if-json')
data = json.decode(data)
ip = data.eth0.inetaddr

-- Create url for modbus device creation
url = 'http://' .. username .. ':' .. password .. '@' .. ip .. '/scada-main/general/plugin?plugin=modbus&request=device-save'

-- Set counters for creation log
number_of_devices = 0
number_failed = 0

-- Function to send request to create modbus device
function url_send(device_proto, device_name, device_profile, device_ip, device_port, device_slave, device_pollinterval, device_id)
 local device = {
     proto = device_proto,
     name = device_name,
   profile = device_profile,
     ip = device_ip,
     port = device_port,
   slave = device_slave,
   pollinterval = device_pollinterval,
   id = device_id,
 data = json.encode(device)
    form_data = 'data=' .. socket.url.escape(data)
    socket.http.TIMEOUT = 15  
    local res, code, response_header = socket.http.request(url, form_data)
 return res, code, response_header

-- Create devices
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
 -- used fields to send: protocol,name,profile,ip,port,slave,pollinterval,id
 result, code, response_header = url_send("tcp", "Device " .. i, "iEM-iEM3155", "192.168.10." .. i, "502", i, "5", "")
 -- Calculate results for creation devices log
 if result == '{"success":true}' then
   number_of_devices = number_of_devices + 1
   number_failed = number_failed + 1

-- Create result log
if number_failed == 0 then
 log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully")
 log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully and creation of " .. number_failed .. " devices failed")

-- Disable script when done automaticly


This functionality (which is utterly brilliant by the way) seems to be broken i FW 2.1.1. I´ve tried on all FW up to 2.1.0 and it works as a charm. I suspect there's some parameters missing. When I log the response i get a 404. Do you have any idea what might have changed (I don't like undocumented changes!!!) in FW 2.1.1?

RE: Create Modbus client via script - Erwin van der Zwart - 28.05.2018


The new FW requires a extra parameter 'timeout' that old FW didn't use, and also new browsers are blocking credentials in URL so i changed the script in a new methode for web requests.

Thanks to Admin for that (: 

Here is the new script:
-- Batch adding modbus devices v1.1 - Created by Erwin van der Zwart - Schneider Electric Netherlands -----------
-- For spaceLYnk FW 2.1.1 or higher and Wiser for KNX FW 2.1.1 or higher ----------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------- Start Parameters ------------------------------------------------

Number_of_devices = 10
Device_name_prefix = "Device"
Device_protocol = "tcp"
Device_port = 502
Device_ip_range = "192.168.0"
Device_ip_start = 1
Device_profile = "iEM-iEM3155"
Device_timeout = 3
Device_pollinterval = 5
Device_slave_start = 1

------------------------------------------------ End Parameters -------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------ DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE --------------------------------------

-- Set counters for creation log
number_of_devices = 0
number_failed = 0

-- Function to send request (in this case to create a modbus device)
function webrequest(mod, act, vars, data)
  local path
  vars = vars or {}
  function getvar(v)
    return vars[ v ]
  json.data = function()
    return data or {}
  if mod == 'plugin' then
    path = 'plugins/' .. act .. '/web.lua'
    path = 'web/' .. mod .. '/' .. act .. '.lua'
  return dofile('/lib/genohm-scada/' .. path)

-- Create devices
for i = 0, Number_of_devices - 1, 1 do
 requestdata = {
   id = "",
   timeout = "" .. Device_timeout,
   pollinterval = "" .. Device_pollinterval,
   slave = "" .. Device_slave_start + i,
   port = "" .. Device_port,
   ip = Device_ip_range .. "." .. Device_ip_start + i,
   profile = Device_profile,
   name = Device_name_prefix .. " " .. i + 1,
   proto = Device_protocol,
 result = webrequest('plugin', 'modbus', {request = 'device-save'}, requestdata)
 -- Calculate results for creation devices log
 if result == '{"success":true}' then
   number_of_devices = number_of_devices + 1
   number_failed = number_failed + 1

-- Create result log
if number_failed == 0 then
 log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully")
 log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully and creation of " .. number_failed .. " devices failed")

-- Disable script when done automaticly


RE: Create Modbus client via script - FatMax - 28.05.2018

Fantastic Erwin!

I did notice the timeout parameter was missing, but could not get it to work anyway.

Thank you so much!

RE: Create Modbus client via script - AEK - 02.08.2018

(18.02.2017, 00:03)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote:
query = 'SELECT * FROM modbus_mapping'
counter = 0
for _, mapping in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
  if mapping.bus_address == "" or  mapping.bus_address == nil then
    grp_address = '1/1/' .. counter
    if counter < 256 then
      dec_grp_address = knxlib.encodega(grp_address)
      address = grp.create({
      datatype = mapping.datatype,
      address = grp_address,
      name = mapping.name,
      comment = 'Auto mapped by script',
      units = mapping.units,
      tags = {},
      counter = counter + 1
      db:update('modbus_mapping', { bus_address = dec_grp_address, bus_write = 1, value_delta = 0.1, value_custom = 'Auto mapped by script' }, { id = mapping.id })

Hi, Erwin. I think I found small Error in this script.
datatype = mapping.datatype - with this we are creating object with modbus datatype

i think it should be
datatype = mapping.bus_datatype

RE: Create Modbus client via script - FatMax - 14.09.2018

(28.05.2018, 08:16)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Hi,

The new FW requires a extra parameter 'timeout' that old FW didn't use, and also new browsers are blocking credentials in URL so i changed the script in a new methode for web requests.

Thanks to Admin for that (: 

Here is the new script:

 -- SNIP --



I´m trying to rewrite the script you posted Erwin, in order to enable RTU and change the settings. However, I'm getting a error when calling the web request function:

/lib/genohm-scada/plugins/modbus/web:0: attempt to index global 'uci' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/lib/genohm-scada/plugins/modbus/web: in function </lib/genohm-scada/plugins/modbus/web:0>
/lib/genohm-scada/plugins/modbus/web: in function </lib/genohm-scada/plugins/modbus/web:0>
[C]: in function 'webrequest'
User script:46: in main chunk

I´m guessing this has something to do with the libraries we are calling at the top, so I'm not sure what it is trying to index  Huh 

Any ideas?

RE: Create Modbus client via script - admin - 14.09.2018

Add require('uci') to the beginning of webrequest function script.

RE: Create Modbus client via script - FatMax - 14.09.2018

(14.09.2018, 09:15)admin Wrote: Add require('uci') to the beginning of webrequest function script.

Wow, worked right away!

RE: Create Modbus client via script - pillbox - 15.03.2019

Hello. I have some strange thing with mapping script. All mappings do successfull, but no one mapping read data from ModBus until one of them is opened and save manually.
HomeLynk 2.3.0

RE: Create Modbus client via script - admin - 15.03.2019

Database changes via scripts are not loaded automatically by the Modbus daemon. Reload happens when you make any change via UI.

RE: Create Modbus client via script - BrentW - 06.04.2020

Good Morning,

I have been implementing this code in a project with modbus RTU.
I have it running well but I cant seem to find a way to use this to set the Modbus Device Address.
I assume this is the Mapping.ID? inspecting the SQL it appears to me a locked entity? does this mean it is not possible?

Kind regards,

RE: Create Modbus client via script - Grant Peters - 08.12.2020

Hi Erwin,
Do you know if there is an equivalent library/function that does the same job for the C-bus SHAC/NAC variant made by Schneider Electric?  I'm trying to automate the mappings process but not for a KNX device.

RE: Create Modbus client via script - Erwin van der Zwart - 08.12.2020

Not that i know of, but I assume the modbus part is exactly the same in a SHAC/NAC and that the difference is only in the group address format.

We don’t need this script anymore for our KNX models as it’s now embedded in the FW/GUI of the latest FW 2.5.1...