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Blackouts and trends lost - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Blackouts and trends lost (/showthread.php?tid=832)

Blackouts and trends lost - Thomas - 09.06.2017

I have lost last 30 minutes of my trends after a short (few seconds) blackout.  Is it a bug? Can I set a shorter time between two database savepoints?

RE: Blackouts and trends lost - mlaudren - 09.06.2017

Hi Thomas,

It's not a bug.
To save I/O cycle on the memory data are saved only every 30min. So if a blackout occur in between you'll loose up to 30min of data.
If you have repeated blackout, you could use a capacitor as a backup power support for short power lose.

RE: Blackouts and trends lost - Erwin van der Zwart - 09.06.2017


If you would be able to set a shorter interval between 2 data save periods your lifetime of the SD card would decrease heavely so this is not possible and also not wishfull.

If you need this data you could export it every x period but best and easiest way to be sure is to place a UPS.



RE: Blackouts and trends lost - Thomas - 12.06.2017

Thank you for your reply. Does LM offer a backup for 24V line? In case you don't produce it, do you have any tip for such product? Ideally for DIN mounting.