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Print objects with grp.all - Printable Version

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Print objects with grp.all - Carlos Padilla - 18.09.2017

Good morning to all
I have the following problem

I want to call all my objects and put them inside a variable, I already did it like this:

objects= grp.all();


but the result it gives me is not the one I want, since I have the following objects
... there are several of these
..... there are several of these

but I do not leave the others that are aprox 500 objects
How can I get 500 objects out?

a Img

RE: Print objects with grp.all - admin - 18.09.2017

Logs are limited to 8KB per entry, if you want to view the whole list you can create a .lp file and open it in your browser:

RE: Print objects with grp.all - Erwin van der Zwart - 18.09.2017


The result is the full table of objects only log shows you the first part of it.

You can see that the log is longer then showed by .. on the end of the printed log. 

If you want to log all items you have to iterate the table and log them item by item.



RE: Print objects with grp.all - Carlos Padilla - 19.09.2017

Hi Admin, your have reasom , I do not used .lp beacuse tried insert a data in my database local  using your example.

Hi Erwin

I used a loop of size 30 but only me print 10 values or datas for example:

for i=1,30,1 do

But it is when print by the function by default of the logic machine log()
now, if I have insert 500 objects, to my database local, it can?

RE: Print objects with grp.all - admin - 20.09.2017

objects = grp.all()
for i, object in ipairs(objects) do