12.09.2018, 08:18
I need to integrate KNX with Sentilo platform. Sentilo offers an open source API based on REST interfaces.
Representational State Transfer(REST) is a style of architecture that exploits existing technologies and protocols of the World Wide Web (WWW).
The communication from external elements (in this case Logic machine) with Sentilo will be through HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Sentilo API: http://www.sentilo.io/xwiki/bin/view/APIDocs/WebHome
Is it possible to do this integration? and how?
I need to integrate KNX with Sentilo platform. Sentilo offers an open source API based on REST interfaces.
Representational State Transfer(REST) is a style of architecture that exploits existing technologies and protocols of the World Wide Web (WWW).
The communication from external elements (in this case Logic machine) with Sentilo will be through HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Sentilo API: http://www.sentilo.io/xwiki/bin/view/APIDocs/WebHome
Is it possible to do this integration? and how?