Hi! I'm new to LM5 and Zigbee, but we are trying this out for controlling zigbee wall mounted heaters for out customers.
We are having trouble with this integration;
Manufacturer: NAMRON AS
Model: 5401394
Firmware version:
Device type: Router
Power source: Mains
Receive when idle: Yes
Endpoint 1
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
- Groups (4)
- Scenes (5)
- Alarms (9)
- Time (10)
- HvacThermostat (513)
- HvacUserInterfaceCfg (516)
- SeMetering (1794)
- HaElectricalMeasurement (2820)
Output clusters
- Ota (25)
Endpoint 242
Profile: 41440
Output clusters
- GreenPower (33)
Reported attributes
- currentdivisor: 1000
- currentmultiplier: 1
- currentsummdelivered: 0
- haactivepower: 0
- hapowerdivisor: 10
- hapowermultiplier: 1
- heatingstatus: true
- localtemperature: 19.00
- occupiedheatingsetpoint: 12.00
- rmscurrent: 0
- rmsvoltage: 0
- sepowerdivisor: 10
- sepowermultiplier: 1
- systemmode: 4
- voltagedivisor: 10
- voltagemultiplier: 1
The main problem is that the heater has three operation modes, (Off-Auto-Manual) as shown below;
But the parameter "Heating control" is only 1-bit, which means we are only able to set the heater to Off and Auto.
Also there are a lot of options for this heater that we are missing, like screenlock etc.
Are we doing something wrong, or are you able to fix the integration, and hopefully add all parameters?
I'll add the documentation for the product line under, with registers;