16.10.2018, 13:11
Thanks admin for answering and the script, although it would be scheduled, would have the effect that the connection does not close properly? Because in the end it has the same effects, I mean to ask every so often, in my case every 20, 30, 40 and 50 seconds respectively. In my case I have 4 UPS, so that would be 4 script scheduled, each in the minute option would be / * 1 for the first script, for the second / * 2, the third / * 3 and so respectively. An admin question and if in the script the connection is closed at the end, would it be better? Or it is better to use the second example that you placed, which I have no problem doing after the problem is solved. Thanks and I will be attentive to your comments, by the way it happened again that the scrip stopped working, so I sent a ping from the LM to the host and I had a response from him. I attach some images of it.