04.03.2019, 08:41
First, create visuzalization elements for strip display. Set Display mode to icon and Additional classes to lights
Add this code to Custom JavaScript, change 32/1/1 to your color object value. It will remove icons from strip display elements and use current object color value as background fill with 50% opacity. You can change opacity from 0.5 to any other value between 1 and 0 if needed.
Add this code to Custom JavaScript, change 32/1/1 to your color object value. It will remove icons from strip display elements and use current object color value as background fill with 50% opacity. You can change opacity from 0.5 to any other value between 1 and 0 if needed.
if (typeof grp === 'object') {
var lights = $('.lights');
$.each(lights, function(_, el) {
var light = $(el);
.css('width', light.width())
.css('height', light.height())
.css('opacity', 0.5)
grp.listen('32/1/1', function(obj) {
lights.css('background-color', Scada.getRgbHex(obj.value));
}, true);