14.11.2019, 05:48
(13.11.2019, 07:58)Joep Wrote:Goedemorgen Joep!(13.11.2019, 05:02)josemabera Wrote: Good morning Joep
In the script the command to send this information by e-mail would be missing, right?
How can I send this information by e-mail every day at night as you comment? (only one e-mail per day, or every week)
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge in the forum
Br Josema
Hi Josema,
Below the complete script to get all the information, write it to the log and send it by email using the default email function.
You can use this script as a scheduled script and run it every x days or once a week.
What you need to do is to set the correct receiver email address in the last line of the script and if you want you can change the Dutch words to your own language.
--status van de homeLYnk ophalen, loggen en mailen
ip = io.readproc('if-json')
ip = json.decode(ip)
log("IP adres: " ..ip.eth0.inetaddr)
socket.http.timeout = 5
data = socket.http.request('http://ip-api.com/json')
if data then
data = json.decode(data)
log("WAN IP: "..data.query)
log("Plaats: "..data.city)
log("Provincie: "..data.region)
log("Land: "..data.countryCode)
log("Latitude: "..data.lat)
log("Longitude: "..data.lon)
log("Er is mogelijk geen internetverbinding actief")
log("Naam: " ..socket.dns.gethostname())
carrier = io.read("*line")
if carrier == "1" then
log("Verbonden met het netwerk")
log("Geen verbinding met het netwerk")
state = io.read("*line")
if state == "up" then
log("De netwerkverbinding is actief")
log("De netwerkverbinding is inactief")
log("Directe link pc/tablet visualisering: http://"..socket.dns.gethostname()..".local/scada-vis")
log("Directe link smartphone visualisering: http://"..socket.dns.gethostname()..".local/scada-vis/touch")
log("Interne link pc/tablet visualisering: http://"..ip.eth0.inetaddr.."/scada-vis")
log("Interne link smartphone visualisering: http://"..ip.eth0.inetaddr.."/scada-vis/touch")
log("Externe link pc/tablet visualisering: http://"..data.query.."/scada-vis")
log("Externe link smartphone visualisering: http://"..data.query.."/scada-vis/touch")
subject = "homeLYnk status: "..socket.dns.gethostname().." "..data.city
message = "Statusinformatie".."\r\n\r\n"..
"IP adres: " ..ip.eth0.inetaddr.."\r\n"..
"WAN IP: "..data.query.."\r\n"..
"Plaats: "..data.city.."\r\n"..
"Provincie: "..data.region.."\r\n"..
"Land: "..data.countryCode.."\r\n"..
"Latitude: "..data.lat.."\r\n"..
"Longitude: "..data.lon.."\r\n"..
"Naam: " ..socket.dns.gethostname().."\r\n\r\n"..
"Directe link pc/tablet visualisering: http://"..socket.dns.gethostname()..".local/scada-vis".."\r\n"..
"Directe link smartphone visualisering: http://"..socket.dns.gethostname()..".local/scada-vis/touch".."\r\n\r\n"..
"Interne link pc/tablet visualisering: http://"..ip.eth0.inetaddr.."/scada-vis".."\r\n"..
"Interne link smartphone visualisering: http://"..ip.eth0.inetaddr.."/scada-vis/touch".."\r\n\r\n"..
"Externe link pc/tablet visualisering: http://"..data.query.."/scada-vis".."\r\n"..
"Externe link smartphone visualisering: http://"..data.query.."/scada-vis/touch"
mail('your@email.com', subject, message')
Ik ben onder de indruk!
Het is verbazingwekkend wat je kunt doen met de kennis en controle die je hebt
Heel erg bedankt voor je hulp.
Ik zal kijken of ik het in werking kan stellen