21.07.2016, 10:15
You can use storage engine to create a queue, here's a function that adds an item to a list named eventlog and trims the list to contain up to 1000 entries. Date/time is added automatically, so you only need to supply event text. Create event scripts to log whichever info you need.
To output the list to client side you can create an .lp page and display it in the visualization via iframe. Create a file called eventlog.lp and upload it to user folder via FTP. Set iframe URL to /user/eventlog.lp
Note that newest items come on top of the list.
FTP upload docs: http://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=85
function eventlog(text)
local max = 1000 -- max number of entries
-- add formatted date
text = os.date('%a %d/%m/%Y %T ') .. text
storage.exec('lpush', 'eventlog', text)
storage.exec('ltrim', 'eventlog', 0, max - 1)
To output the list to client side you can create an .lp page and display it in the visualization via iframe. Create a file called eventlog.lp and upload it to user folder via FTP. Set iframe URL to /user/eventlog.lp
items = storage.exec('lrange', 'eventlog', 0, 999)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Event log</title>
<script src="/apps/js/jquery.js.gz"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/apps/css/bootstrap.css">
$(function() {
var items = <? json.write(items) ?>
, container = $('.container')
, header;
$.each(items, function(index, item) {
var chunks = item.split(' ')
, newheader = chunks.shift() + ' ' + chunks.shift();
// output data header each time it changes
if (newheader != header) {
header = newheader;
// output log entry
$('<p></p>').text(chunks.join(' ')).appendTo(container);
<div class="container"></div>
Note that newest items come on top of the list.
FTP upload docs: http://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=85