The problem is that it's not so rapid so if the value keep bouncing from a scale factor to another it could show wrong data before the scale factor reload.
I even thought about scheduling a script that read all the data, make the right conversion and then updates the group address with the final value but it didn't work so well for the same reason plus sometimes it says that I attempted to make math operation with a nil value, maybe because there are some reading errors in modbus.
Thank you, I'll try this
The problem is that it's not so rapid so if the value keep bouncing from a scale factor to another it could show wrong data before the scale factor reload.
I even thought about scheduling a script that read all the data, make the right conversion and then updates the group address with the final value but it didn't work so well for the same reason plus sometimes it says that I attempted to make math operation with a nil value, maybe because there are some reading errors in modbus.
Thank you, I'll try this