22.02.2021, 19:50
Hello, I am trying to implement the use of surplus photovoltaic energy taking into account the weather and radiation forecast. Now I am trying to tune the algorithm, plotting with google charts some info. I am able to plot different values, but I am not able to solve two issues
- With several plots, tooltip is only visible in the first #plan. Exchanging from one #plan to the other, the one that wasn't working now works, and vice versa.
- there is differenci if I access to the plan from home page or directly from specific url, i.e. now the information lixe axes title and legend
I attach a snapshot of plan21, whose has the first chart, the tooltip works properly but not the info like legend. I draw the cursor by hand
The #plan24 has not work the tooltip
Changing the plot form #plan24 to #plan21 tooltips work well. And if I load the information like legend, it is showed
The javascript used:
Any help is welcome, thanks
- With several plots, tooltip is only visible in the first #plan. Exchanging from one #plan to the other, the one that wasn't working now works, and vice versa.
- there is differenci if I access to the plan from home page or directly from specific url, i.e. now the information lixe axes title and legend
I attach a snapshot of plan21, whose has the first chart, the tooltip works properly but not the info like legend. I draw the cursor by hand
The #plan24 has not work the tooltip
Changing the plot form #plan24 to #plan21 tooltips work well. And if I load the information like legend, it is showed
The javascript used:
// load chart JS
$.getScript('https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js', function() {
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gauge', 'corechart'],language: 'es'});
//-- plan21, graph consumo BC
function drawGraphBC() {
// create empty element and add it to plan with ID=21
var graphEl = $('<div></div>').css({
position: 'absolute',
width: 1000, height: 350,
top: 20, left: 20
$.getJSON('/user/energia.lp', function(jsonData) {
var data4 = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(jsonData);
var opt4 = { title: 'Calefacción / ACS' ,
width: 1000, height: 350,
// Gives each series an axis that matches the vAxes number below.
focusTarget: 'category',
seriesType: 'bars',
series: {
0: {targetAxisIndex: 0, areaOpacity: 1, lineWidth: 1},
1: {targetAxisIndex: 0, areaOpacity: 1, lineWidth: 1},
2: {targetAxisIndex: 1, areaOpacity: 0, visibleInLegend: false, type: 'line'}
} ,
vAxes: {
// Adds titles to each axis.
0: {title: 'Potencia [kW]', viewWindow: {min: 0, max:2500} },
1: { title: 'COP', gridlines: { interval: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] },
viewWindow: {min: 1, max: 6}, gridlines: { count: 0} }
var chart4 = new google.visualization.ComboChart(graphEl.get(0));
chart4.draw(data4, opt4);
}); //getJSON
}; //drawWCons
//-- plan24, grafica weather
function drawSolcast() {
// create empty element and add it to plan with ID=24
var graphSol = $('<div></div>').css({
position: 'absolute',
width: 1000, height: 350,
top: 400, left: 20,
border: 'solid'
$.getJSON('/user/sol2graph.lp', function(jsonObj) {
var data5 = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data5.addColumn('date', 'fecha');
data5.addColumn('number', "pv_estimate");
data5.addColumn('number', "kWh/dia");
// a formato tiempo
for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) {
jsonObj[i][0] = new Date( jsonObj[i][0] * 1000);
var tickMarks = [];
var hoy = new Date()
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
tickMarks.push(new Date(hoy.getTime() + i*24*60*60*1000));
var opt5 = { title: 'Pv kWh' ,
width: 1000, height: 350,
chartArea: {width: '90%', height: '80%'},
focusTarget: 'category',
seriesType: 'lines',
hAxis: {
format: 'EE, d MMM',
gridlines: { count: 7},
ticks: tickMarks
series: {
0: {targetAxisIndex: 0, areaOpacity: 1, lineWidth: 1},
1: {targetAxisIndex: 1, areaOpacity: 0.2, lineWidth: 1, type: 'area', color: '#f1ca3a' }
vAxes: {
// Adds titles to each axis.
0: {title: '[kW]', viewWindow: {min: 0, max:3.5}, gridlines: {interval: [ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 ] }},
1: { viewWindow: {min: 0, max: 70}, gridlines: { count: 0}, ticks: [ ] }
var date_formatter = new google.visualization.DateFormat({ pattern: 'dd MMM, HH:mm' });
date_formatter.format(data5, 0);
var chart5 = new google.visualization.ComboChart(graphSol.get(0));
chart5.draw(data5, opt5);
}); //getJSON
}; //drawSolcast
}); // getscript
Any help is welcome, thanks