12.07.2021, 13:11
Trend type:
- Absolute value = value as is (temperate or humidity sensor)
- Counter = always increasing value (electricity meter)
- Counter with negative delta = similar to counter but the value can decrease (installation which can both consume and produce electricity)
Aggregate function can only be set for Absolute type. Object value is sampled once a minute. The function defines how the data is aggregated from the one-minute data. For sensors use the default average function.
- Absolute value = value as is (temperate or humidity sensor)
- Counter = always increasing value (electricity meter)
- Counter with negative delta = similar to counter but the value can decrease (installation which can both consume and produce electricity)
Aggregate function can only be set for Absolute type. Object value is sampled once a minute. The function defines how the data is aggregated from the one-minute data. For sensors use the default average function.