14.09.2022, 11:42
(21.07.2016, 10:15)admin Wrote: You can use storage engine to create a queue, here's a function that adds an item to a list named eventlog and trims the list to contain up to 1000 entries. Date/time is added automatically, so you only need to supply event text. Create event scripts to log whichever info you need.
Code:function eventlog(text)
local max = 1000 -- max number of entries
-- add formatted date
text = os.date('%a %d/%m/%Y %T ') .. text
storage.exec('lpush', 'eventlog', text)
storage.exec('ltrim', 'eventlog', 0, max - 1)
To output the list to client side you can create an .lp page and display it in the visualization via iframe. Create a file called eventlog.lp and upload it to user folder via FTP. Set iframe URL to /user/eventlog.lp
items = storage.exec('lrange', 'eventlog', 0, 999)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Event log</title>
<script src="/apps/js/jquery.js.gz"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/apps/css/bootstrap.css">
$(function() {
var items = <? json.write(items) ?>
, container = $('.container')
, header;
$.each(items, function(index, item) {
var chunks = item.split(' ')
, newheader = chunks.shift() + ' ' + chunks.shift();
// output data header each time it changes
if (newheader != header) {
header = newheader;
// output log entry
$('<p></p>').text(chunks.join(' ')).appendTo(container);
<div class="container"></div>
Note that newest items come on top of the list.
FTP upload docs: http://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=85
I coudn't diplay eventlog.lp file as a frame, it will display "File not found: /www/user/eventlog.lp".
I uploaded the file via FileZilla as ou can see in the attachment