19.11.2022, 12:15
Another Zigbee product I wish to use with LM
This is a Namron Thermostat
Another Zigbee product I wish to use with LM
This is a Namron Thermostat
NAMRON AS - 4512738 - device information
Manufacturer: NAMRON AS
Model: 4512738
Device type: Router
Power source: Mains
Receive when idle: Yes
Endpoint 1
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
- Groups (4)
- Scenes (5)
- Alarms (9)
- Time (10)
- HvacThermostat (513)
- HvacUserInterfaceCfg (516)
- SeMetering (1794)
- HaElectricalMeasurement (2820)
Output clusters
- Identify (3)
- MsOccupancySensing (1030)
Endpoint 2
Profile: 260
Input clusters
- Basic (0)
- Identify (3)
Output clusters
- Identify (3)
- Ota (25)
Endpoint 242
Profile: 41440
Output clusters
- GreenPower (33)