08.05.2023, 14:39
No i have this code working with the below response. Do you think it's due to the wrong credentials or is it part of the code? ( Is still can't find any information on how to get my own credentials from LG..)
LG Thinq 08.05.2023 16:35:17
* arg: 1
* string: {"error":{"request":"/oauth/1.0/oauth2/token","code":"LG.OAUTH.EC.2105","service":"oauth","message":"Signature doesn't match request."}}
* arg: 2
* number: 406
LG Thinq 08.05.2023 16:35:17
* arg: 1
* string: {"error":{"request":"/oauth/1.0/oauth2/token","code":"LG.OAUTH.EC.2105","service":"oauth","message":"Signature doesn't match request."}}
* arg: 2
* number: 406
OAUTH_SECRET_KEY = "c053c2a6ddeb7ad97cb0eed0dcb31cf8"
DATE_FORMAT = "!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"
V2_AUTH_PATH = "/oauth/1.0/oauth2/token"
function oauth2_signature(message, secret)
local hashed = encdec.hmacsha1(secret, message, true)
return encdec.base64enc(hashed)
function auth_request(oauth_url, reqdata)
if string.sub(oauth_url, -1):lower() == "/" then oauth_url = string.sub(oauth_url, 0, #oauth_url-1) end
local url = oauth_url .. V2_AUTH_PATH
local timestamp = tostring(os.date(DATE_FORMAT, os.time())) .. " +0000"
local data_list = {}
for k, v in pairs(reqdata) do table.insert(data_list, string.format("%s=%s", k, v)) end
local req_url = string.format("%s?%s", V2_AUTH_PATH, table.concat(data_list, "&"))
local message = string.format("%s\n%s", req_url, timestamp)
local sig = oauth2_signature(message, OAUTH_SECRET_KEY)
local headers = {
["x-lge-appkey"] = OAUTH_CLIENT_KEY,
["x-lge-oauth-signature"] = sig,
["x-lge-oauth-date"] = timestamp,
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
["Accept"] = "application/json"
castdata = table.concat(data_list, "&")
res, err = socket.http.request({
url = url,
headers = headers,
data = castdata,
method = "POST",
timeout = 5000,
local requestBody = {
grant_type = "refresh_token",
refresh_token = "4ed29cb48cc1cb6228658d50817b789d67d37dbad56bf561cc6389a4ab69070d8ee808edb3377ad3b07e243c467f1d36"
auth_request("https://nl.lgeapi.com/", requestBody)
log(res, err)