18.09.2023, 09:00
Group address formula is X/Y/Z => X * 2048 + Y * 256 + Z. For example, 2305 (1/1/1) + 2048 = 4353 (2/1/1) or 2305 (1/1/1) + 3 * 256 = 3073 (1/4/1).
9/8/1 is not a valid fixed address as the middle part must be between 0 and 7. If rooms go one after another you can simply use ADDR + (ROOM - 1) * 256 to calculate the next address. You can use buslib.encodega(addr) to convert address in 'X/Y/Z' string form to numerical form.
9/8/1 is not a valid fixed address as the middle part must be between 0 and 7. If rooms go one after another you can simply use ADDR + (ROOM - 1) * 256 to calculate the next address. You can use buslib.encodega(addr) to convert address in 'X/Y/Z' string form to numerical form.