Finally I solved my IKEA task Now IKEA bulb is seen at my LM.
1. Set Zigbee Module to 11 channel. (I just read that this channel is works with IKEA. I think other channels should be OK as well, but.., Check Wi-Fi channels usage/interference). Restart LM with Zigbee Module. (I just don't know ZigBee module automatically restarts/change channel, so decided to restart)
2. Open Zigbee Network to add devices;
3. Put Zigbee antenna close enough to your bulb (for me ~50 centimeters);
4. Switch On IKEA bulb;
5. Switch Off/On bulb 6 times with interval 1 second (IKEA bulbs reset/initialization).
6. When bulb start flashing - you will see your bulb in list of ZigBee devices and can pair it to KNX groups
For other IKEA devices click the connect button 4 times within 5 seconds. (And better read manual )
Hope this can be useful.
Finally I solved my IKEA task Now IKEA bulb is seen at my LM.
1. Set Zigbee Module to 11 channel. (I just read that this channel is works with IKEA. I think other channels should be OK as well, but.., Check Wi-Fi channels usage/interference). Restart LM with Zigbee Module. (I just don't know ZigBee module automatically restarts/change channel, so decided to restart)
2. Open Zigbee Network to add devices;
3. Put Zigbee antenna close enough to your bulb (for me ~50 centimeters);
4. Switch On IKEA bulb;
5. Switch Off/On bulb 6 times with interval 1 second (IKEA bulbs reset/initialization).
6. When bulb start flashing - you will see your bulb in list of ZigBee devices and can pair it to KNX groups
For other IKEA devices click the connect button 4 times within 5 seconds. (And better read manual )
Hope this can be useful.