06.03.2024, 09:22
In reality the device is still present but used in modbus IP now. Yes it's a CIAT/CARRIER ventilation system with pco web card (both bacnet ip and modbus ip).
You maybe right there is lots of variable in it. When exploring in the bacnet app it s like infinite loop and no object are displayed.
I used to linked some bacnet variable that i delete. But now, I don't have a way to unmap it (impossible to see bacnet object).
So I try to delete, put old backup... without result. Still this process consuming memory and cause reboot every 20 minutes.
1/ Do you know a way to avoid it ?
2/ where are the backup/settings file, can't find it.
My problem is that there is another bacnet device with 80 variable linked. I don't want to loose it because it such a pain to link it (so much delay, and need to push the link butun plenty of time without error message). I want to say that this other device work, and was'nt rebooting the SL. It's only once extended modbus adress was add to the CIAT ventilation unit, that add more variable)
You maybe right there is lots of variable in it. When exploring in the bacnet app it s like infinite loop and no object are displayed.
I used to linked some bacnet variable that i delete. But now, I don't have a way to unmap it (impossible to see bacnet object).
So I try to delete, put old backup... without result. Still this process consuming memory and cause reboot every 20 minutes.
1/ Do you know a way to avoid it ?
2/ where are the backup/settings file, can't find it.
My problem is that there is another bacnet device with 80 variable linked. I don't want to loose it because it such a pain to link it (so much delay, and need to push the link butun plenty of time without error message). I want to say that this other device work, and was'nt rebooting the SL. It's only once extended modbus adress was add to the CIAT ventilation unit, that add more variable)