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Modbus SE3155 Meter
I need some help getting this SE3155 meter connected/configured to work with my LM

I have connected:

Meter D0 -> LM A
Meter D1 -> LM B
Meter 0V -> LM GND
Meter settings is:
38400 Baud rate
Parity: None

[Image: RdKaHOG.png]
[Image: sX2wjOA.png]
I have added the Device like so:
[Image: aOqjCkz.png]
But the log just says: Read failed, Operation timed out!

What am I doing wrong?

Messages In This Thread
Modbus SE3155 Meter - by Novodk - 09.05.2024, 12:21
RE: Modbus SE3155 Meter - by AlexLV - 09.05.2024, 13:34
RE: Modbus SE3155 Meter - by Novodk - 09.05.2024, 13:37
RE: Modbus SE3155 Meter - by Daniel - 09.05.2024, 13:42
RE: Modbus SE3155 Meter - by Novodk - 09.05.2024, 13:48

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