28.02.2017, 01:11
(This post was last modified: 28.02.2017, 07:55 by Erwin van der Zwart.)
Hi Josep,
Use a 3 byte RGB object, set it to read only and give it the additional class 'playprogress' and pick any color on the object (;
Then use this script:
Use a 3 byte RGB object, set it to read only and give it the additional class 'playprogress' and pick any color on the object (;
Then use this script:
function FormattedTimeToSeconds(formattedtime) {
var a = formattedtime.split(':'); // split it at the colons
// minutes are worth 60 seconds. Hours are worth 60 minutes.
var seconds = (+a[0]) * 60 * 60 + (+a[1]) * 60 + (+a[2]);
return seconds;
var passed = 0;
var durationseconds = FormattedTimeToSeconds(res_parsed[6].duration);
var playingtimeseconds = FormattedTimeToSeconds(res_parsed[7].playingtime)
if (durationseconds > playingtimeseconds){
passed = durationseconds - (durationseconds - playingtimeseconds);
passed = Math.floor(((passed / durationseconds) * 100) * 4); // set to * x for each 100px
} else {
passed = 0;
$("#plan-" + currentPlanId).find(".playprogress").css( "min-width", "0px", 'important' );
$("#plan-" + currentPlanId).find(".playprogress").css( "max-width", passed + "px", 'important' );
$("#plan-" + currentPlanId).find(".playprogress").css( "width", passed + "px" );