09.12.2024, 13:06
We plan to release an update this week which will add keypad lockout control via object. It will also contain a work-around for your device so System Mode is set to heat instead of auto when enabled.
DisplayAutoOffActivation can be set via a script. Make sure that ZigBee app is updated. Change addr as needed and run once:
DisplayAutoOffActivation can be set via a script. Make sure that ZigBee app is updated. Change addr as needed and run once:
zb = require('applibs.zigbee')
addr = '1234567890abcdef'
cluster = 0x0201 -- Thermostat
attr = 0x1001 -- DisplayAutoOffActivation
value = 1 -- activated
dtype = 'enum8'
manufcode = 0x1224 -- Namron
res, err = zb.cmdsync('setrawattribute', addr, cluster, attr, value, dtype, manufcode)
log(res, err)