29.08.2017, 10:16
(18.08.2017, 12:08)kythas100 Wrote:Hello I tried this: and it works but if a song is already playing in sonos it does not stop and start playing what's in the playlist. If a song does not play then it normally plays. Can someone help me?(19.10.2016, 09:51)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Hi Andreas,
Are you using the Sonos app to control the volume or do you also have another script running?
The Sonos app can handle all (external) request you want to do, but that don't work with upnpcmd function.
If you use the app you need to control the functions with http commands like: ( is my homeLYnk addres)
Code: -- use _ for spaces in the name
full sample:
Code:-- Load modules
-- Set timout
socket.http.TIMEOUT = 5
-- Read IP address from controller
data = io.readproc('if-json')
data = json.decode(data)
ip = data.eth0.inetaddr
-- Set SONOS name
Sonos_Player_Name = 'Sonos_Speaker'
-- Get event value
value = event.getvalue()
-- Set stepsize volume
Volume_Step = 10
-- Set Action
if value == 101 then
Sonos_Action = 'play'
elseif value == 102 then
Sonos_Action = 'stop'
elseif value == 103 then
Sonos_Action = 'next'
elseif value == 104 then
Sonos_Action = 'previous'
elseif value == 105 then
Sonos_Action = 'mute'
elseif value == 106 then
Sonos_Action = 'unmute'
elseif value == 107 then
Sonos_Action = 'setvolumeup'
Volume_Step = Volume_Step or 10
elseif value == 108 then
Sonos_Action = 'setvolumedown'
Volume_Step = Volume_Step or 10
action = 'none'
-- Execute action on value 0 to 100
if value >= 0 and value <= 100 then
local reply = socket.http.request('http://' .. ip .. '/apps/data/sonos/sonos.lp?action=setvolume&name=' .. Sonos_Player_Name .. '&volume=' .. value .. '')
-- Execute action on value 101 to 106
if value >= 101 and value <= 106 then
local reply = socket.http.request('http://' .. ip .. '/apps/data/sonos/sonos.lp?action=' .. Sonos_Action .. '&name=' .. Sonos_Player_Name .. '')
-- Execute action on value 107 to 108
if value >= 107 and value <= 108 then
local reply = socket.http.request('http://' .. ip .. '/apps/data/sonos/sonos.lp?action=' .. Sonos_Action .. '&name=' .. Sonos_Player_Name .. '&step=' .. Volume_Step .. '')
-- Execute action on value 255 (Feedback)
if value == 255 then
local reply = socket.http.request('http://' .. ip .. '/apps/data/sonos/sonos.lp?action=getextendedstate&name=' .. Sonos_Player_Name .. '&createbaseimg=true')
reply = json.pdecode(reply)
if reply then
local current_volume = reply[1].volume
local current_mutestate = reply[2].mute
local current_crossfadestate = reply[3].crossfade
local current_playmode = reply[4].playmode
local current_transportmode = reply[5].transport
local current_duration = reply[7].duration
local current_playingtime = reply[8].playingtime
local current_title = reply[9].tracktitle
local current_artist = reply[10].creator
local current_album = reply[11].album
local current_albumart = reply[12].albumart
local current_mediatype = reply[11].mediatype
Full set of possible actions:
Code:-- SONOS server side API interface for homeLYnk and spaceLYnk apps version 0.1 (DEV VERSION)
-- Includes SONOS auto IP discovery and all needed commands to perform basic and extended operation
-- Commands for SONOS API Interface
-- Get sonos data from players, only new found players are added to the existing array, earlier discovered players are already stored and not updated to keep fast performance
-- Remove all items from stored array and rediscover all players again from start, this will reduce speed performance (only trigger by button)
-- Refresh group data, no new sonos will be discovered, all groupings are (re)checked for current state
-- Set player as standalone group (remove player from grouping)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get extra / more details from player like MAC address and icons etc, can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get limited transport details from player like position, duration and volume, can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata (fastpolling)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get extended transport details from player same as getstate with extra's like current albumart, shuffle, crossfade, repeats etc, can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata (slowpolling)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get current albumart URL, can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata (slowpolling)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get stored playlist(s) and corresponding playlist numbers (numbers are needed to call them), can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Store current qeueu as new playlist, there must be a paramater 'listname' send for the name of the new list 'listname', can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get stored items inside playlist, must be called by corresponding playlist numbers (numbers are needed to call them), can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get current items in queueu including all additional information like track URI, Artist, Album, Albumart etc. can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Get current items in favorites including all additional information like track URI, Station, Track, Remote Albumart (not always present) and Local Albumart URI (always present) etc. can be resolved by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'play' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'play with queue check' command on player, this will check if there is a track in the 'queue', if not the first stored playlist will be loaded to avoid no sound situations, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'seek' command on player, this will require the paramter position to jump to that time, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'load uri' from queue or favorites (radio streams) command on player, set listtype to 'queue' or 'favorites' and 'listnumber' to the x number track/station in the list. The listnumber is checked on valid range.
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'load and play uri' from queue or favorites (radio streams) command on player, set listtype to 'queue' or 'favorites' and 'listnumber' to the x number track/station in the list. The listnumber is checked on valid range.
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'load and play uri' from queue list by number (needed to keep next and previous working) command on player, set listtype to 'queue' or 'favorites' and 'listnumber' to the x number track/station in the list. The listnumber is checked on valid range.
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'stop' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'next' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'previous' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'mute' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'groupmute' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'unmute' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'groupunmute' command on player, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'set volume' command on player, volume must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-100, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'group set volume' command on player, volume must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-100, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'volume up' command on player, volume step must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-50 and top / floor limits, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'group volume up' command on player, volume step must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-50 and top / floor limits, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'volume down' command on player, volume step must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-50 and top / floor limits, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'group volume down' command on player, volume step must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-50 and top / floor limits, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'snapshot group volume' command on player, volume step must be send as parameter and will be checked on scope 0-50 and top / floor limits, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'crossfade' command on player, state must be send as parameter, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'playmode' command on player, mode must be send as parameter (options: normal, repeat_all, repeat_one, shuffle_no_repeat, shuffle and shuffle_one , can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'load playlist into queue' command on player, 'listname' must be send as parameter and corresponding listnumber will be searched automaticly, also a autoplay parameter must be send to play direct after load, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- Playlist&autoplay=false
-- Playlist&autoplay=false
-- Playlist&autoplay=false -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'load playlist into queue' command on player, 'listnumber' must be send as parameter, also a autoplay parameter must be send to play direct after loading, can be called by RINCON or IP (IP and RINCON are found by getsonosdata)
-- -- use _ for spaces in the name
-- Execute 'getbase64img' command on current selected player, 'listnumber' and 'tablename' must be send as parameter
-- --get's a base64 image of albmuart of the first item in the favorites list
-- --get's a base64 image of albumart of the 4th item in the queue list
-- --get's a base64 image of albumart of the current playing item ( listnumber is always '0' must always be send because of checks in script )
Erwin van der Zwart
Hello I tested them below to play a song from a playlist but it does not work me can someone help me?