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Creation of custom package
Try this:
local bit = require('bit')
local ssl = require('ssl')
local socket = require('socket')
local encdec = require('encdec')
local parse_url = require('socket.url').parse

local bxor = bit.bxor
local bor = bit.bor
local band =
local lshift = bit.lshift
local rshift = bit.rshift
local ssub = string.sub
local sbyte = string.byte
local schar = string.char
local tinsert = table.insert
local tconcat = table.concat
local mmin = math.min
local mfloor = math.floor
local mrandom = math.random
local base64enc = encdec.base64enc
local sha1 = encdec.sha1
local unpack = unpack
local TEXT = 1
local BINARY = 2
local CLOSE = 8
local PING = 9
local PONG = 10
local guid = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'

local read_n_bytes = function(str, pos, n)
  pos = pos or 1
  return pos+n, string.byte(str, pos, pos + n - 1)

local read_int8 = function(str, pos)
  return read_n_bytes(str, pos, 1)

local read_int16 = function(str, pos)
  local new_pos,a,b = read_n_bytes(str, pos, 2)
  return new_pos, lshift(a, 8) + b

local read_int32 = function(str, pos)
  local new_pos,a,b,c,d = read_n_bytes(str, pos, 4)
  return new_pos,
  lshift(a, 24) +
  lshift(b, 16) +
  lshift(c, 8 ) +

local write_int8 = schar

local write_int16 = function(v)
  return schar(rshift(v, 8), band(v, 0xFF))

local write_int32 = function(v)
  return schar(
    band(rshift(v, 24), 0xFF),
    band(rshift(v, 16), 0xFF),
    band(rshift(v,  8), 0xFF),
    band(v, 0xFF)

local generate_key = function()

  local r1 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  local r2 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  local r3 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  local r4 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  local key = write_int32(r1)..write_int32(r2)..write_int32(r3)..write_int32(r4)
  return base64enc(key)

local bits = function(...)
  local n = 0
  for _,bitn in pairs{...} do
    n = n + 2^bitn
  return n

local bit_7 = bits(7)
local bit_0_3 = bits(0,1,2,3)
local bit_0_6 = bits(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)

-- TODO: improve performance
local xor_mask = function(encoded,mask,payload)
  local transformed,transformed_arr = {},{}
  -- xor chunk-wise to prevent stack overflow.
  -- sbyte and schar multiple in/out values
  -- which require stack
  for p=1,payload,2000 do
    local last = mmin(p+1999,payload)
    local original = {sbyte(encoded,p,last)}
    for i=1,#original do
      local j = (i-1) % 4 + 1
      transformed[i] = bxor(original[i],mask[j])
    local xored = schar(unpack(transformed,1,#original))
  return tconcat(transformed_arr)

local encode_header_small = function(header, payload)
  return schar(header, payload)

local encode_header_medium = function(header, payload, len)
  return schar(header, payload, band(rshift(len, 8), 0xFF), band(len, 0xFF))

local encode_header_big = function(header, payload, high, low)
  return schar(header, payload)..write_int32(high)..write_int32(low)

local encode = function(data,opcode,masked,fin)
  local header = opcode or 1-- TEXT is default opcode
  if fin == nil or fin == true then
    header = bor(header,bit_7)
  local payload = 0
  if masked then
    payload = bor(payload,bit_7)
  local len = #data
  local chunks = {}
  if len < 126 then
    payload = bor(payload,len)
  elseif len <= 0xffff then
    payload = bor(payload,126)
  elseif len < 2^53 then
    local high = mfloor(len/2^32)
    local low = len - high*2^32
    payload = bor(payload,127)
  if not masked then
    local m1 = mrandom(0,0xff)
    local m2 = mrandom(0,0xff)
    local m3 = mrandom(0,0xff)
    local m4 = mrandom(0,0xff)
    local mask = {m1,m2,m3,m4}
  return tconcat(chunks)

local decode = function(encoded)
  local encoded_bak = encoded
  if #encoded < 2 then
    return nil,2-#encoded
  local pos,header,payload
  pos,header = read_int8(encoded,1)
  pos,payload = read_int8(encoded,pos)
  local high,low
  encoded = ssub(encoded,pos)
  local bytes = 2
  local fin = band(header,bit_7) > 0
  local opcode = band(header,bit_0_3)
  local mask = band(payload,bit_7) > 0
  payload = band(payload,bit_0_6)
  if payload > 125 then
    if payload == 126 then
      if #encoded < 2 then
        return nil,2-#encoded
      pos,payload = read_int16(encoded,1)
    elseif payload == 127 then
      if #encoded < 8 then
        return nil,8-#encoded
      pos,high = read_int32(encoded,1)
      pos,low = read_int32(encoded,pos)
      payload = high*2^32 + low
      if payload < 0xffff or payload > 2^53 then
        assert(false,'INVALID PAYLOAD '..payload)
      assert(false,'INVALID PAYLOAD '..payload)
    encoded = ssub(encoded,pos)
    bytes = bytes + pos - 1
  local decoded
  if mask then
    local bytes_short = payload + 4 - #encoded
    if bytes_short > 0 then
      return nil,bytes_short
    local m1,m2,m3,m4
    pos,m1 = read_int8(encoded,1)
    pos,m2 = read_int8(encoded,pos)
    pos,m3 = read_int8(encoded,pos)
    pos,m4 = read_int8(encoded,pos)
    encoded = ssub(encoded,pos)
    local mask = {
    decoded = xor_mask(encoded,mask,payload)
    bytes = bytes + 4 + payload
    local bytes_short = payload - #encoded
    if bytes_short > 0 then
      return nil,bytes_short
    if #encoded > payload then
      decoded = ssub(encoded,1,payload)
      decoded = encoded
    bytes = bytes + payload
  return decoded,fin,opcode,encoded_bak:sub(bytes+1),mask

local encode_close = function(code,reason)
  if code then
    local data = write_int16(code)
    if reason then
      data = data..tostring(reason)
    return data
  return ''

local decode_close = function(data)
  local _,code,reason
  if data then
    if #data > 1 then
      _,code = read_int16(data,1)
    if #data > 2 then
      reason = data:sub(3)
  return code,reason

local sec_websocket_accept = function(sec_websocket_key)
  local enc = sha1(sec_websocket_key..guid, true)
  return base64enc(enc)

local http_headers = function(request)
  local headers = {}
  if not request:match('.*HTTP/1%.1') then
    return headers
  request = request:match('[^\r\n]+\r\n(.*)')
  for line in request:gmatch('[^\r\n]*\r\n') do
    local name,val = line:match('([^%s]+)%s*:%s*([^\r\n]+)')
    if name and val then
      name = name:lower()
      if not name:match('sec%-websocket') then
        val = val:lower()
      if not headers[name] then
        headers[name] = val
        headers[name] = headers[name]..','..val
    elseif line ~= '\r\n' then
  return headers,request:match('\r\n\r\n(.*)')

local upgrade_request = function(req, key, protocol)
  local format = string.format
  local lines = {
    format('GET %s HTTP/1.1',req.path or ''),
    format('Host: %s',,
    'Upgrade: websocket',
    'Connection: Upgrade',
    format('Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s',key),
    'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13',
  if protocol then
    tinsert(lines, format('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s', protocol))
  if req.port and req.port ~= 80 then
    lines[2] = format('Host: %s:%d',,req.port)
  if req.userinfo then
    local auth = format('Authorization: Basic %s', base64enc(req.userinfo))
    tinsert(lines, auth)
  return tconcat(lines,'\r\n')

local receive = function(self)
  if self.state ~= 'OPEN' and not self.is_closing then
    return nil,nil,false,1006,'wrong state'
  local first_opcode
  local frames
  local bytes = 3
  local encoded = ''
  local clean = function(was_clean,code,reason)
    self.state = 'CLOSED'
    if self.on_close then
    return nil,nil,was_clean,code,reason or 'closed'
  while true do
    local chunk,err = self:sock_receive(bytes)
    if err then
      if err == 'timeout' then
        return nil,nil,false,1006,err
        return clean(false,1006,err)
    encoded = encoded..chunk
    local decoded,fin,opcode,_,masked = decode(encoded)
    if masked then
      return clean(false,1006,'Websocket receive failed: frame was not masked')
    if decoded then
      if opcode == CLOSE then
        if not self.is_closing then
          local code,reason = decode_close(decoded)
          -- echo code
          local msg = encode_close(code)
          local encoded = encode(msg,CLOSE,true)
          local n,err = self:sock_send(encoded)
          if n == #encoded then
            return clean(true,code,reason)
            return clean(false,code,err)
          return decoded,opcode
      if not first_opcode then
        first_opcode = opcode
      if not fin then
        if not frames then
          frames = {}
        elseif opcode ~= CONTINUATION then
          return clean(false,1002,'protocol error')
        bytes = 3
        encoded = ''
      elseif not frames then
        return decoded,first_opcode
        return tconcat(frames),first_opcode
      assert(type(fin) == 'number' and fin > 0)
      bytes = fin

local send = function(self,data,opcode)
  if self.state ~= 'OPEN' then
    return nil,false,1006,'wrong state'
  local encoded = encode(data,opcode or TEXT,true)
  local n,err = self:sock_send(encoded)
  if n ~= #encoded then
    return nil,self:close(1006,err)
  return true

local close = function(self,code,reason)
  if self.state ~= 'OPEN' then
    return false,1006,'wrong state'
  if self.state == 'CLOSED' then
    return false,1006,'wrong state'
  local msg = encode_close(code or 1000,reason)
  local encoded = encode(msg,CLOSE,true)
  local n,err = self:sock_send(encoded)
  local was_clean = false

  code = 1005
  reason = ''

  if n == #encoded then
    self.is_closing = true
    local rmsg,opcode = self:receive()
    if rmsg and opcode == CLOSE then
      code,reason = decode_close(rmsg)
      was_clean = true
    reason = err
  if self.on_close then
  self.state = 'CLOSED'
  return was_clean,code,reason or ''

local DEFAULT_PORTS = {ws = 80, wss = 443}

local connect = function(self,ws_url,ssl_params)
  if self.state ~= 'CLOSED' then
    return nil,'wrong state',nil
  local parsed = parse_url(ws_url)

  if parsed.scheme ~= 'wss' and parsed.scheme ~= 'ws' then
    return nil, 'bad protocol'

  if not parsed.port then
    parsed.port = DEFAULT_PORTS[ parsed.scheme ]

  -- Preconnect (for SSL if needed)
  local _,err = self:sock_connect(, parsed.port)
  if err then
    return nil,err,nil

  if parsed.scheme == 'wss' then
    if type(ssl_params) ~= 'table' then
      ssl_params = {
        protocol = 'tlsv1',
        options  = {'all', 'no_sslv2', 'no_sslv3'},
        verify   = 'none',
    ssl_params.mode = 'client'

    self.sock = ssl.wrap(self.sock, ssl_params)
  elseif parsed.scheme ~= 'ws' then
    return nil, 'bad protocol'
  local key = generate_key()
  local req = upgrade_request(parsed, key, self.protocol)
  local n,err = self:sock_send(req)
  if n ~= #req then
    return nil,err,nil
  local resp = {}
    local line,err = self:sock_receive('*l')
    resp[#resp+1] = line
    if err then
      return nil,err,nil
  until line == ''
  local response = tconcat(resp,'\r\n')
  local headers = http_headers(response)
  local expected_accept = sec_websocket_accept(key)
  if headers['sec-websocket-accept'] ~= expected_accept then
    local msg = 'Websocket Handshake failed: Invalid Sec-Websocket-Accept (expected %s got %s)'
    return nil,msg:format(expected_accept,headers['sec-websocket-accept'] or 'nil'),headers
  self.state = 'OPEN'
  return true,headers['sec-websocket-protocol'],headers

local extend = function(obj)
  obj.state = 'CLOSED'
  obj.receive = receive
  obj.send = send
  obj.close = close
  obj.connect = connect

  return obj

local client_copas = function(timeout)
  local copas = require('copas')
  local self = {}

  self.sock_connect = function(self,host,port)
    self.sock = socket.tcp()
    self.sock:settimeout(timeout or 5)
    local _,err = copas.connect(self.sock,host,port)
    if err and err ~= 'already connected' then
      return nil,err

  self.sock_send = function(self,...)
    return copas.send(self.sock,...)

  self.sock_receive = function(self,...)
    return copas.receive(self.sock,...)

  self.sock_close = function(self)

  self = extend(self)
  return self

local client_sync = function(timeout)
  local self = {}

  self.sock_connect = function(self,host,port)
    self.sock = socket.tcp()
    self.sock:settimeout(timeout or 5)
    local _,err = self.sock:connect(host,port)
    if err then
      return nil,err

  self.sock_send = function(self,...)
    return self.sock:send(...)

  self.sock_receive = function(self,...)
    return self.sock:receive(...)

  self.sock_close = function(self)

  self = extend(self)
  return self

local client = function(mode, timeout)
  if mode == 'copas' then
    return client_copas(timeout)
    return client_sync(timeout)

return {
  client = client,

Messages In This Thread
Creation of custom package - by Bitver - 17.03.2018, 10:03
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 19.03.2018, 07:33
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 20.03.2018, 14:27
RE: Creation of custom package - by Alexander - 19.05.2021, 19:12
RE: Creation of custom package - by rocfusion - 20.03.2018, 18:53
RE: Creation of custom package - by rocfusion - 23.03.2018, 02:30
RE: Creation of custom package - by rocfusion - 23.03.2018, 06:04
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 23.03.2018, 11:30
RE: Creation of custom package - by rocfusion - 23.03.2018, 14:25
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 23.03.2018, 14:41
RE: Creation of custom package - by rocfusion - 26.03.2018, 08:42
RE: Creation of custom package - by nickd - 03.03.2019, 09:30
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 26.03.2018, 08:48
RE: Creation of custom package - by doshibn - 09.05.2020, 12:10
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 11.05.2020, 06:52
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 11.05.2020, 11:24
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 20.05.2021, 05:27
RE: Creation of custom package - by myg - 05.05.2023, 21:26
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 08.05.2023, 09:02
RE: Creation of custom package - by admin - 11.12.2023, 12:47

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