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Change words into Schedulers options! - Printable Version

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Change words into Schedulers options! - phongvucba - 03.03.2020

Can everyone help me? I want to make a small change, I want to change the language so that my customers are more accessible.

In the scheduling option, I want to modify the words in it! Can anyone do that? Is it possible via CSS? (I have circled picture 1 )
Thank so much everyone!

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - Daniel - 03.03.2020

Why don't you just change the language on the device?

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 03.03.2020

This can be done via Custom JavaScript. Open Schedulers page and switch to view source mode (CTRL+u). There will be strings like %schedulers_events_add% in HTML code. Each string value can be changed in Custom JavaScript like this:
Translations.schedulers_events_add = 'My text for add event';
Translations.schedulers_holidays = 'My text for holidays';

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - phongvucba - 06.03.2020

Thank friend !Daniel.
"Why don't you just change the language on the device? "
-I want my customers to be more approachable and understandable
Thank admin ! I will try that way!

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - phongvucba - 06.03.2020

Hi everyone !
I am sorry, it was hard when I first approached the Java script. Do you think I wrote this correctly? I do not see it translated into my language.
You can write for me, translate "Name", "Run-at", "Value" into words "Tên", "Thời gian", "Giá trị". Let me have a more overview.
Thank so much all!

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 06.03.2020

Remove $(function(){ and }); at the end. Code should look like this:
Translations.schedulers_events_add = 'My text for add event';
Translations.schedulers_holidays = 'My text for holidays';

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - phongvucba - 10.03.2020

I have some words that can't be translated, I don't know how! It is in my round section. Can anybody help me? I really thank you all!

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 10.03.2020

Here's a list of translations used in Schedulers:
Translations.cancel = "Cancel";
Translations.delete = "Delete";
Translations.dt_1_11_0 = "inactive";
Translations.dt_1_11_1 = "active";
Translations.dt_1_1_0 = "off";
Translations.dt_1_1_1 = "on";
Translations.edit = "Edit";
Translations.save = "Save";
Translations.schedulers_all = "All";
Translations.schedulers_color_select = "Click to select color";
Translations.schedulers_date_from = "From date";
Translations.schedulers_date_to = "To date";
Translations.schedulers_duration = "Duration (days)";
Translations.schedulers_edit = "Edit scheduler";
Translations.schedulers_end = "End date";
Translations.schedulers_events_active = "Event is active";
Translations.schedulers_events_add = "Add event";
Translations.schedulers_events_delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this event?";
Translations.schedulers_events_dow = "Day of the week";
Translations.schedulers_events_edit = "Edit event";
Translations.schedulers_events_empty = "No events to display";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_days = "Days of the month";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow = "Weekday in month";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_1 = "1st";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_2 = "2nd";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_3 = "3rd";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_4 = "4th";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_5 = "5th";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_6 = "Last";
Translations.schedulers_events_months = "Months";
Translations.schedulers_events_new = "New event";
Translations.schedulers_events_offset = "Start time offset";
Translations.schedulers_events_sunrise = "Sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_sunset = "Sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_time = "Specific time";
Translations.schedulers_events_weekdays = "Weekdays";
Translations.schedulers_events_weekend = "Weekend";
Translations.schedulers_events_year = "Recurring every year";
Translations.schedulers_holidays = "Holidays";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_add = "Add holiday";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_date = "Specific date";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this holiday?";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_edit = "Edit holiday";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_empty = "No holidays to display";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_new = "New holiday";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_no = "Do not run on holidays";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_none = "No effect";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_recur = "Recurring every year";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_type = "Holiday type";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_yes = "Run only on holidays";
Translations.schedulers_month = "Month";
Translations.schedulers_name = "Name";
Translations.schedulers_none = "None";
Translations.schedulers_period_alt = "Period";
Translations.schedulers_run_at = "Run at";
Translations.schedulers_start = "Start date";
Translations.schedulers_status = "Status";
Translations.schedulers_status_active = "Scheduler is active";
Translations.schedulers_time = "Start time";
Translations.schedulers_value = "Value";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_1 = "Jan";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_2 = "Feb";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_3 = "Mar";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_4 = "Apr";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_5 = "May";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_6 = "Jun";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_7 = "Jul";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_8 = "Aug";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_9 = "Sep";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_10 = "Oct";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_11 = "Nov";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_12 = "Dec";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_apr = "April";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_aug = "August";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_dec = "December";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_feb = "February";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jan = "January";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jul = "July";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jun = "June";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_mar = "March";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_may = "May";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_nov = "November";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_oct = "October";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_sep = "September";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_1 = "Mo";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_2 = "Tu";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_3 = "We";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_4 = "Th";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_5 = "Fr";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_6 = "Sa";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_7 = "Su";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_fri = "Friday";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_mon = "Monday";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_sat = "Saturday";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_sun = "Sunday";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_thu = "Thursday";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_tue = "Tuesday";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_wed = "Wednesday";
Translations.schedulers_holidays_new = "New holiday";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_1 = "1st";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_2 = "2nd";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_3 = "3rd";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_4 = "4th";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_5 = "5th";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_6 = "Last";
Translations.schedulers_duration_days = "d.";
Translations.schedulers_events_time = "Specific time";
Translations.schedulers_events_sunrise = "Sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_sunset = "Sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_before_sunset = "before sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_before_sunrise = "before sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_after_sunset = "after sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_after_sunrise = "after sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_offset = "Start time offset";
Translations.schedulers_holiday = "Holiday";
Translations.schedulers_all = "All";
Translations.schedulers_none = "None";
Translations.schedulers_load_error = "Error: scheduler load failed or access denied";

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - phongvucba - 10.03.2020

Thanks Admin!You are so pro!, I did it! Can you show me how you can pull the whole word to translate for me so quickly?

On the interface page, on google chorme, I pressed F12, and I came out here. Do you have to filter out from here?
Thank everybody !  Heart Heart Heart

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 10.03.2020

These are from view source mode (CTRL+u). You can use a text editor that supports search by regular expression (%.+%) to match all translation phrases.

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - oyvindnordbo - 17.03.2020

Hi, I've overlooked all the points you've posted, but these won't translate, can you see what I've done wrong?

Translations.scripting_dt_month_apr = "April";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_aug = "August";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_dec = "Desember";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_feb = "Februar";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jan = "Januar";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jul = "Juli";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jun = "Juni";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_mar = "Mars";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_may = "Mai";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_nov = "November";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_oct = "Oktober";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_sep = "September";

Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_fri = "Fredag";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_mon = "Mandag";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_sat = "Lørdag";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_sun = "Søndag";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_thu = "Torsdag";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_tue = "Tirsdag";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_wed = "Onsdag";;

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 17.03.2020

Do you mean day/month names in the date picker for holidays or somewhere else? Post a screenshot.

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - oyvindnordbo - 17.03.2020

On holidays, the following has not been overlooked when you go on a specific date, or look at the period overview, on day of the week everything is overlooked.
I cant find out how I can post a screenshot

Translations.scripting_dt_month_1 = "Jan";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_2 = "Feb";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_3 = "Mar";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_4 = "Apr";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_5 = "Mai";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_6 = "Jun";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_7 = "Jul";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_8 = "Aug";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_9 = "Sep";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_10 = "Okt";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_11 = "Nov";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_12 = "Des";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_apr = "April";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_aug = "August";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_dec = "Desember";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_feb = "Februar";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jan = "Januar";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jul = "Juli";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_jun = "Juni";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_mar = "Mars";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_may = "Mai";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_nov = "November";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_oct = "Oktober";
Translations.scripting_dt_month_sep = "September";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_1 = "Ma";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_2 = "Ti";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_3 = "On";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_4 = "To";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_5 = "Fr";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_6 = "Lø";
Translations.scripting_dt_weekday_7 = "Sø";

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - Daniel - 17.03.2020

add attachment as jpeg

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - oyvindnordbo - 18.03.2020

Here is an screenshot

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 18.03.2020

Add this to Custom JS and translate text values inside arrays, keep keys (days, daysMin, months, monthsShort) as is:
$.fn.datepicker.dates = {
  "days": [
  "daysMin": [
  "months": [
  "monthsShort": [

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - oyvindnordbo - 18.03.2020

Thank you very much, it worked great

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - miro.suchanek - 21.03.2020

Hi all, 

is it possible to translate also the ran at label for each event?

Thank you

RE: Change words into Schedulers options! - admin - 21.03.2020

These labels are missing, add them to your Custom JS and translate:
Translations.schedulers_holidays_new = "New holiday";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_1 = "1st";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_2 = "2nd";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_3 = "3rd";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_4 = "4th";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_5 = "5th";
Translations.schedulers_events_month_dow_6 = "Last";
Translations.schedulers_duration_days = "d.";
Translations.schedulers_events_time = "Specific time";
Translations.schedulers_events_sunrise = "Sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_sunset = "Sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_before_sunset = "before sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_before_sunrise = "before sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_after_sunset = "after sunset";
Translations.schedulers_events_after_sunrise = "after sunrise";
Translations.schedulers_events_offset = "Start time offset";
Translations.schedulers_holiday = "Holiday";
Translations.schedulers_all = "All";
Translations.schedulers_none = "None";
Translations.schedulers_load_error = "Error: scheduler load failed or access denied";