Storage is pushed on localbus - Smeagol - 23.12.2021
I have a resident script with interval 0 that is reading out a 'smart' electrical meter (dutch). The meter pushes a new telegram out every second. Which gets parsed and processed by the script. First question, what does the interval 0 mean? Is it run continiously? Does this have negative effects? It seems to work fine...
To save data between script iterations I use the storage. I save quite a lot of parameters to the storage since the data requires some processing to be useable in trends. I have noticed that this in turn results in a 'heavy' load of the websocket (localbus) since every set storage is pushed out the socket. Is there a way to prevent this? What is the best way to save data between iterations? I can think of one improvement and this is to try and save data in a table instead of separate parameters but this still will be pushed trough the localbus...
The script below:
Code: lastchar = '!'
port ='/dev/ttyUSB0', { -- Let op type van de slimme meter voor de onderstaande instellingen.
baudrate = 115200, --DSMR 2/3 = 9600 DSMR 4 = 115200
databits = 8, --DSMR 2/3 = 7 DSMR 4 = 8
stopbits = 1, --DSMR 2/3 = 1 DSMR 4 = 1
parity = 'none', --DSMR 2/3 = even DSMR 4 = none
duplex = 'full'
function readdata(port)
local char, buf
buf = {}
while true do
char = port:read(1)
-- error (timeout) or newline, stop
if char == nil or char == lastchar then
-- ignore cr char
elseif char ~= '\r' then
table.insert(buf, char)
return table.concat(buf)
function splitString(s, delimiter)
local result = {};
for match in string.gmatch(s, "([^"..delimiter.."]+)") do
table.insert(result, match);
return result;
function parseTelegram(data)
local parsed = {}
for line in data:gmatch("([^\n]*)\n?") do
local pristineLine = string.gsub(string.sub(line, 5), "%)", "")
local keyValue = splitString(pristineLine, "%(")
if (keyValue[1]) then
parsed[keyValue[1]] = keyValue[2]
return parsed
data = readdata(port)
dailyConsumption = storage.get('dailyConsumption')
dailyInjection = storage.get('dailyInjection')
intervalConsumption = storage.get('intervalConsumption')
intervalInjection = storage.get('intervalInjection')
intervalPoints = storage.get('intervalPoints')
baseDayConsumption = storage.get('baseDayConsumption')
baseDayInjection = storage.get('baseDayInjection')
baseNightConsumption = storage.get('baseNightConsumption')
baseNightInjection = storage.get('baseNightInjection')
parsed = parseTelegram(data)
totalDayConsumption = tonumber(splitString(parsed["1.8.1"], "%*")[1])
totalDayInjection = tonumber(splitString(parsed["2.8.1"], "%*")[1])
totalNightConsumption = tonumber(splitString(parsed["1.8.2"], "%*")[1])
totalNightInjection = tonumber(splitString(parsed["2.8.2"], "%*")[1])
currentConsumption = tonumber(splitString(parsed["1.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjection = tonumber(splitString(parsed["2.7.0"], "%*")[1])
now ='*t')
if ((not dailyConsumption)) then
dailyConsumption = 0
if ((not dailyInjection)) then
dailyInjection = 0
if (not intervalConsumption) then
intervalConsumption = currentConsumption
if (not intervalInjection) then
intervalInjection = currentInjection
if (not intervalPoints) then
intervalPoints = 0
intervalPoints = intervalPoints + 1
if ((not baseDayConsumption)) then
baseDayConsumption = totalDayConsumption
storage.set('baseDayConsumption', baseDayConsumption)
if ((not baseDayInjection)) then
baseDayInjection = totalDayInjection
storage.set('baseDayInjection', baseDayInjection)
if ((not baseNightConsumption)) then
baseNightConsumption = totalNightConsumption
storage.set('baseNightConsumption', baseNightConsumption)
if ((not baseNightInjection)) then
baseNightInjection = totalNightInjection
storage.set('baseNightInjection', baseNightInjection)
currentConsumtionPhase1 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["21.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentConsumtionPhase2 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["41.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentConsumtionPhase3 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["61.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjectionPhase1 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["22.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjectionPhase2 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["42.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjectionPhase3 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["62.7.0"], "%*")[1])
intervalConsumption = intervalConsumption + currentConsumption
intervalInjection = intervalInjection + currentInjection
dailyConsumption = dailyConsumption + (currentConsumption * (1/3600))
storage.set('dailyConsumption', dailyConsumption)
dailyInjection = dailyInjection + (currentInjection * (1/3600))
storage.set('dailyInjection', dailyInjection)
if (math.fmod(now["min"], 5) == 0 and now["sec"] == 0) then
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyConsumption)
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyInjection)
grp.write('x/x/x', intervalConsumption / intervalPoints)
grp.write('x/x/x', intervalInjection / intervalPoints)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentConsumtionPhase1)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentConsumtionPhase2)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentConsumtionPhase3)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentInjectionPhase1)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentInjectionPhase2)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentInjectionPhase3)
storage.set('intervalConsumption', nil)
storage.set('intervalInjection', nil)
storage.set('intervalPoints', nil)
storage.set('intervalConsumption', intervalConsumption)
storage.set('intervalInjection', intervalInjection)
storage.set('intervalPoints', intervalPoints)
if (now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0) then
grp.write('32/6/8', totalDayConsumption - baseDayConsumption)
grp.write('x/x/x', totalDayInjection - baseDayInjection)
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightConsumption - baseNightConsumption)
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightInjection - baseNightInjection)
-- At the end of the day after all was set, reset the values for the next day
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
dailyConsumption = 0
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyConsumption)
storage.set('dailyConsumption', dailyConsumption)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
dailyInjection = 0
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyInjection)
storage.set('dailyInjection', dailyInjection)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
log('reset consumption for day')
baseDayConsumption = totalDayConsumption
grp.write('x/x/x', totalDayConsumption - baseDayConsumption)
storage.set('baseDayConsumption', baseDayConsumption)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
baseDayInjection = totalDayInjection
grp.write('x/x/x', totalDayInjection - baseDayInjection)
storage.set('baseDayInjection', baseDayInjection)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
baseNightConsumption = totalNightConsumption
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightConsumption - baseNightConsumption)
storage.set('baseNightConsumption', baseNightConsumption)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
baseNightInjection = totalNightInjection
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightInjection - baseNightInjection)
storage.set('baseNightInjection', baseNightInjection)
Any advise would be appreciated!
Kind regards
RE: Storage is pushed on localbus - Erwin van der Zwart - 23.12.2021
The resident to 0 is no problem, the socket waits for new chars and the smart meter is pushing out data every 10 seconds so the socket delays the execution of the script until new chars are received.
Some questions:
1) Without having to "understand" what you have build can you eleborate on what your final goal is?
2) What do you mean with "Every set storage is send out of the socket" ? The meter is read only, and localbus is not in your script so i don't understand that question.
PS: Ben je een Nederlandse gebruiker van de Wiser for KNX?
RE: Storage is pushed on localbus - Smeagol - 24.12.2021
(23.12.2021, 19:37)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Hi,
The resident to 0 is no problem, the socket waits for new chars and the smart meter is pushing out data every 10 seconds so the socket delays the execution of the script until new chars are received.
Some questions:
1) Without having to "understand" what you have build can you eleborate on what your final goal is?
2) What do you mean with "Every set storage is send out of the socket" ? The meter is read only, and localbus is not in your script so i don't understand that question.
PS: Ben je een Nederlandse gebruiker van de Wiser for KNX?
Thank you for answering! The smart meter is pushing data out every second instead of every 10 seconds but i suppose given your explanation that that does not matter... As long as there is some delay it won't eat up the CPU.
The script i shared works fine and does what i require it to do:- Segment the data and extract the usefull parts
- At the start of a new day (00:00:00) store the meter values (day consumtion, night consumption, day injection and night injection) in memory and for the rest of the day substract these value from the new meter values. This gives you your daily consumption and injection. I wirte this to a virtual address every hour so i can use it in a trend.
- For more fine grained trends i use the actual power consumption and injection values of the meter and calculate a 'running' discrete integral with them (so at the end of the day you once again have your daily consumption) and push this on a virtual address every 5 minuts for use in detail trends. I also do this for the power consumtion of each phase.
Since the script runs every ~1 seconds and i need data between iteration of the script, the storing of values is done with 'storage.set'. Again this works fine. My main problem, however, is that i noticed that when you use an app like Mosaic (or a custom app) that relies on the localbus.js.gz library, the websocket the library esthablishes with the LM comes under 'heavy' load since all the storage.set method calls trigger an update from the LM to the app via the websocket.
So in short storage.set triggers a websocket message with it's new value to apps. Since i use storage.set quite heavily and frequently (~20 x every second) i fear for the load on the websocket. The data that i require to store for this script is also only important for this script and should not be on the websocket. I assume however that it is normal for storage to be shared with the apps. I am wondering however if there is a better way of storing data between script iteration or at the very least to find a way to limit it?
Thanks for the advise!
Kind regards
P.S. Ik ben een Belgische gebruiker van een Logic Machine (LM5 Lite) en heb geen Wiser
RE: Storage is pushed on localbus - admin - 24.12.2021
All global variables in resident scripts are retained after each loop. Only script restart clears these variables. So I'm not sure whether storage is needed at all. Alternatively you can add app: prefix to the storage key. Such keys are not sent over localbus. For example:
Code: storage.set('app:dailyInjection', dailyInjection)
RE: Storage is pushed on localbus - Bitver - 24.12.2021
(24.12.2021, 08:28)admin Wrote: All global variables in resident scripts are retained after each loop. Only script restart clears these variables. So I'm not sure whether storage is needed at all. Alternatively you can add app: prefix to the storage key. Such keys are sent over localbus. For example:
Code: storage.set('app:dailyInjection', dailyInjection)
You mean "Such keys are not sent over localbus"? because they're not
RE: Storage is pushed on localbus - admin - 24.12.2021
Yes, they are not sent. There was a typo in my post
RE: Storage is pushed on localbus - Smeagol - 26.12.2021
(24.12.2021, 15:10)admin Wrote: Yes, they are not sent. There was a typo in my post
Thank you! If global variable state is retained between iteration, then indeed i do not even need storage.