23.12.2021, 19:00
I have a resident script with interval 0 that is reading out a 'smart' electrical meter (dutch). The meter pushes a new telegram out every second. Which gets parsed and processed by the script. First question, what does the interval 0 mean? Is it run continiously? Does this have negative effects? It seems to work fine...
To save data between script iterations I use the storage. I save quite a lot of parameters to the storage since the data requires some processing to be useable in trends. I have noticed that this in turn results in a 'heavy' load of the websocket (localbus) since every set storage is pushed out the socket. Is there a way to prevent this? What is the best way to save data between iterations? I can think of one improvement and this is to try and save data in a table instead of separate parameters but this still will be pushed trough the localbus...
The script below:
Any advise would be appreciated!
Kind regards
I have a resident script with interval 0 that is reading out a 'smart' electrical meter (dutch). The meter pushes a new telegram out every second. Which gets parsed and processed by the script. First question, what does the interval 0 mean? Is it run continiously? Does this have negative effects? It seems to work fine...
To save data between script iterations I use the storage. I save quite a lot of parameters to the storage since the data requires some processing to be useable in trends. I have noticed that this in turn results in a 'heavy' load of the websocket (localbus) since every set storage is pushed out the socket. Is there a way to prevent this? What is the best way to save data between iterations? I can think of one improvement and this is to try and save data in a table instead of separate parameters but this still will be pushed trough the localbus...
The script below:
lastchar = '!'
port = serial.open('/dev/ttyUSB0', { -- Let op type van de slimme meter voor de onderstaande instellingen.
baudrate = 115200, --DSMR 2/3 = 9600 DSMR 4 = 115200
databits = 8, --DSMR 2/3 = 7 DSMR 4 = 8
stopbits = 1, --DSMR 2/3 = 1 DSMR 4 = 1
parity = 'none', --DSMR 2/3 = even DSMR 4 = none
duplex = 'full'
function readdata(port)
local char, buf
buf = {}
while true do
char = port:read(1)
-- error (timeout) or newline, stop
if char == nil or char == lastchar then
-- ignore cr char
elseif char ~= '\r' then
table.insert(buf, char)
return table.concat(buf)
function splitString(s, delimiter)
local result = {};
for match in string.gmatch(s, "([^"..delimiter.."]+)") do
table.insert(result, match);
return result;
function parseTelegram(data)
local parsed = {}
for line in data:gmatch("([^\n]*)\n?") do
local pristineLine = string.gsub(string.sub(line, 5), "%)", "")
local keyValue = splitString(pristineLine, "%(")
if (keyValue[1]) then
parsed[keyValue[1]] = keyValue[2]
return parsed
data = readdata(port)
dailyConsumption = storage.get('dailyConsumption')
dailyInjection = storage.get('dailyInjection')
intervalConsumption = storage.get('intervalConsumption')
intervalInjection = storage.get('intervalInjection')
intervalPoints = storage.get('intervalPoints')
baseDayConsumption = storage.get('baseDayConsumption')
baseDayInjection = storage.get('baseDayInjection')
baseNightConsumption = storage.get('baseNightConsumption')
baseNightInjection = storage.get('baseNightInjection')
parsed = parseTelegram(data)
totalDayConsumption = tonumber(splitString(parsed["1.8.1"], "%*")[1])
totalDayInjection = tonumber(splitString(parsed["2.8.1"], "%*")[1])
totalNightConsumption = tonumber(splitString(parsed["1.8.2"], "%*")[1])
totalNightInjection = tonumber(splitString(parsed["2.8.2"], "%*")[1])
currentConsumption = tonumber(splitString(parsed["1.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjection = tonumber(splitString(parsed["2.7.0"], "%*")[1])
now = os.date('*t')
if ((not dailyConsumption)) then
dailyConsumption = 0
if ((not dailyInjection)) then
dailyInjection = 0
if (not intervalConsumption) then
intervalConsumption = currentConsumption
if (not intervalInjection) then
intervalInjection = currentInjection
if (not intervalPoints) then
intervalPoints = 0
intervalPoints = intervalPoints + 1
if ((not baseDayConsumption)) then
baseDayConsumption = totalDayConsumption
storage.set('baseDayConsumption', baseDayConsumption)
if ((not baseDayInjection)) then
baseDayInjection = totalDayInjection
storage.set('baseDayInjection', baseDayInjection)
if ((not baseNightConsumption)) then
baseNightConsumption = totalNightConsumption
storage.set('baseNightConsumption', baseNightConsumption)
if ((not baseNightInjection)) then
baseNightInjection = totalNightInjection
storage.set('baseNightInjection', baseNightInjection)
currentConsumtionPhase1 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["21.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentConsumtionPhase2 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["41.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentConsumtionPhase3 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["61.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjectionPhase1 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["22.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjectionPhase2 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["42.7.0"], "%*")[1])
currentInjectionPhase3 = tonumber(splitString(parsed["62.7.0"], "%*")[1])
intervalConsumption = intervalConsumption + currentConsumption
intervalInjection = intervalInjection + currentInjection
dailyConsumption = dailyConsumption + (currentConsumption * (1/3600))
storage.set('dailyConsumption', dailyConsumption)
dailyInjection = dailyInjection + (currentInjection * (1/3600))
storage.set('dailyInjection', dailyInjection)
if (math.fmod(now["min"], 5) == 0 and now["sec"] == 0) then
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyConsumption)
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyInjection)
grp.write('x/x/x', intervalConsumption / intervalPoints)
grp.write('x/x/x', intervalInjection / intervalPoints)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentConsumtionPhase1)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentConsumtionPhase2)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentConsumtionPhase3)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentInjectionPhase1)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentInjectionPhase2)
grp.write('x/x/x', currentInjectionPhase3)
storage.set('intervalConsumption', nil)
storage.set('intervalInjection', nil)
storage.set('intervalPoints', nil)
storage.set('intervalConsumption', intervalConsumption)
storage.set('intervalInjection', intervalInjection)
storage.set('intervalPoints', intervalPoints)
if (now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0) then
grp.write('32/6/8', totalDayConsumption - baseDayConsumption)
grp.write('x/x/x', totalDayInjection - baseDayInjection)
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightConsumption - baseNightConsumption)
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightInjection - baseNightInjection)
-- At the end of the day after all was set, reset the values for the next day
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
dailyConsumption = 0
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyConsumption)
storage.set('dailyConsumption', dailyConsumption)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
dailyInjection = 0
grp.write('x/x/x', dailyInjection)
storage.set('dailyInjection', dailyInjection)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
log('reset consumption for day')
baseDayConsumption = totalDayConsumption
grp.write('x/x/x', totalDayConsumption - baseDayConsumption)
storage.set('baseDayConsumption', baseDayConsumption)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
baseDayInjection = totalDayInjection
grp.write('x/x/x', totalDayInjection - baseDayInjection)
storage.set('baseDayInjection', baseDayInjection)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
baseNightConsumption = totalNightConsumption
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightConsumption - baseNightConsumption)
storage.set('baseNightConsumption', baseNightConsumption)
if ((now["hour"] == 0 and now["min"] == 0 and now["sec"] == 0)) then
baseNightInjection = totalNightInjection
grp.write('x/x/x', totalNightInjection - baseNightInjection)
storage.set('baseNightInjection', baseNightInjection)
Any advise would be appreciated!
Kind regards