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MQTT-Client script stopped sending Units - Printable Version

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MQTT-Client script stopped sending Units - gasblaser - 18.07.2024


I have LM5Lp2 with BluHome-Addon for three FreeAir 100 ventilation devices. I used the Client-Script https://kb.logicmachine.net/integration/mqtt-client/, my configuration as attachement. Initially, MQTT sent units with the measurements, but since some days units are missing. I would like to have the units send again, what have I to do? Thanks!

RE: MQTT-Client script stopped sending Units - admin - 18.07.2024

Modified example that will publish value + units:
if not broker then
  broker = ''

  function multiply(mult)
    return function(value)
      local num = tonumber(value)
      if num then
        return num * mult
        return value

  -- topic to object map
  mqtt_to_object = {}

  -- optional topic value conversion function
  mqtt_to_object_conv = {}

  -- object to topic map
  object_to_mqtt = {}

  units = {}
  datatypes = {}

  objs = grp.tag('mqtt-control')
  for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do
    object_to_mqtt[ obj.address ] = obj.name
    units[ obj.address ] = obj.units
    datatypes[ obj.address ] = obj.datatype

  objs = grp.tag('mqtt-status')
  for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do
    mqtt_to_object[ obj.name ] = obj.address

  grp.sender = 'mq'

  mclient = require('mosquitto').new()

  mclient.ON_CONNECT = function(res, ...)
    log('mqtt connect status', res, ...)

    if res then
      for topic, _ in pairs(mqtt_to_object) do

  mclient.ON_MESSAGE = function(mid, topic, payload)
    local addr = mqtt_to_object[ topic ]
    if addr then
      local fn = mqtt_to_object_conv[ topic ]

      if fn then
        payload = fn(payload)

      grp.write(addr, payload)

  mclient.ON_DISCONNECT = function(...)
    log('mqtt disconnect', ...)
    mclientfd = nil

  function mconnect()
    local fd

    fd = mclient:socket()

    -- fd ref is valid
    if fd then
      mclientfd = fd


  function publishvalue(event)
    -- message from us or client is not connected
    if event.sender == 'mq' or not mclientfd then

    local addr = event.dst
    local dpt = datatypes[ addr ]
    local topic = object_to_mqtt[ addr ]

    -- unknown object
    if not dpt or not topic then

    local value = busdatatype.decode(event.datahex, dpt)
    if value ~= nil then
      if type(value) == 'boolean' then
        value = value and 1 or 0

      value = tostring(value) .. (units[ addr ] or '')
      mclient:publish(topic, value)

  lbclient = require('localbus').new(1)
  lbclient:sethandler('groupwrite', publishvalue)

  lbclientfd = socket.fdmaskset(lbclient:getfd(), 'r')

  -- run timer every 5 seconds
  timer = require('timerfd').new(5)
  timerfd = socket.fdmaskset(timer:getfd(), 'r')

-- mqtt connected
if mclientfd then
  mclientfdset = socket.fdmaskset(mclientfd, mclient:want_write() and 'rw' or 'r')
  res, lbclientstat, timerstat, mclientstat =
      socket.selectfds(10, lbclientfd, timerfd, mclientfdset)
-- mqtt not connected
  res, lbclientstat, timerstat =
    socket.selectfds(10, lbclientfd, timerfd)

if mclientfd and mclientstat then
  if socket.fdmaskread(mclientstat) then

  if socket.fdmaskwrite(mclientstat) then

if lbclientstat then

if timerstat then
  -- clear armed timer

  if mclientfd then

RE: MQTT-Client script stopped sending Units - gasblaser - 18.07.2024

Thanks for the quick reply. I changed the script an restarted it. Now the broker gets no data at all, the log shows:

* arg: 1
  * string: mqtt connect status
* arg: 2
  * bool: true
* arg: 3
  * number: 0
* arg: 4
  * string: connection accepted
* arg: 5
  * number: 0
* arg: 6
  * nil

Did I forget anything?

RE: MQTT-Client script stopped sending Units - admin - 19.07.2024

Values are published only on change. Change any object with mqtt-control tag and the new value will be published.