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Zigbee lights - Printable Version

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Zigbee lights - stianj - 02.09.2024

I have some questions regarding Zigbee and IKEA Tradfri light bulbs. I have previously been using the IKEA Tradfri Gateway and Home Assistant as a bridge between that and KNX. Have worked flawlessly, but I have not been happy with the amount of separate places to have config. Bought a LM5p2-KCDZ to replace both that and other gateways Smile But some problems/questions have arised:

1: When I set a certain brightness directly via KNX, it jumps back to the previous brightness untill it has reached the new one. Say I have a bulb with brightness 80%. If I enter 50%, it jumps straight back to 80% while the bulb transitions to 50% - then it shows to 50%. This is not KNX usually works..?

2: I can't really seem to find an explanation to the "Internal Level status" and "Calculated Level status" on the Zigbee configuration… As far as I can see they both work fine as Brightness feedback (except issue 1)

3: When I change the colour using KNX RGB, brightness seems to always change to 100%. Before getting the LM5 I used an IKEA Tradfri Gateway With Home Assistant as the Gateway between that and KNX. This did not happen there…

4: I don't understand why there can't be an RGB Value Status on the Zigbee Configuration, since there is both on/off status and internal level status? I'm using an event script on the RGB Value GA, to update a status GA - but is that the proper way? I guess it should be ok, since the only way to manipulate the RGB of the bulb is through the RGB value GA? But in general, I guess I should poll the value via Zigbee, not just send the value GA to a status GA? Or..?

I did not have any of these problems with the Tradfri Gateway and HomeAssistant combo, but I like LM so much better! Hopefully there are fixes/workarounds for these issues...


RE: Zigbee lights - Daniel - 02.09.2024

1. You are using Zigbee lights and this is how Zigbee works. Apparently it is a feature Smile. LM is multiprotocal gateway not just KNX to Zigbee we keep things more native.
2. This is small workaround to make status works as in KNX. Zigbee status would not update at all if you turn off light by bit object.
3. We are using general Zigbee 3.0 implementation but nearly every manufacture is not fallowing it and devices work 100% correct only with the manufacture gateway but same gateway would not work with a third party. Our works with nearly all brands but due to this there are some limitations.
4. It is due to point 3, everyone implemented this differently.
In general Zigbee 3.0 standard is very poorly implemented by manufactures.

RE: Zigbee lights - stianj - 02.09.2024

Hi Daniel!

Thank you for your quick reply! Smile

Ok, so the problem is generally poor implementation of the standard. But I'm not giving up! Big Grin

1: Since there would be no other way to change the brightness, what do you think about just copying the brightness GA to status GA with an event script? Is there a catch I haven't thought of? (Probably there is...)

3: Would you have any suggestions to a workaround? To make an event script that read brightness and resends it after colour-change? Ideas/suggestions?

4: Ok, I see. But the same applies as to 1) - is there some catch I haven't thought about just copying the colour GA to status GA?

And lastly, I just have this one IKEA bulb - I bought it just for testing (and I still am). But there is no problem changing to Hue. Do they behave better with regard to question 3? Or are they the same?

Thank you very much, much appreciated Smile

RE: Zigbee lights - admin - 03.09.2024

There's no RGB in ZigBee. It uses XY color coordinates for setting the color. LM convert RGB to XY and brightness value to keep the behavior consistent with KNX. Converting XY back to RGB will produce a slightly different RGB value due to rounding errors. Status is not implemented because many lamps do not support reporting of XY color changes only brightness and on/off.

I don't see a point in copying control object value to status if the same can be achieved by using only a single control object.

RE: Zigbee lights - stianj - 03.09.2024

Ok thanks, but regarding my issue #3, that brightness always goes to 100% (or sometimes 99%...) after a colour change. Is there a possible workaround to that?  I can see that the brightness GA (not the status one...) still shows the right value, but the status GA shows 100%.

Is it possible to resend the last brightness value automatically after a colour change?

And secondly, do you have any experience if Hue lamps does the same? Or are they better in this regard than IKEA?

RE: Zigbee lights - admin - 03.09.2024

Brightness level = max(red, green, blue). If you send a red value (#FF0000 or 255,0,0) then the brightness will be set too 255 (100%). If you send a gray value (#7F7F7F or 127,127,127) then the brightness will be set too 127 (100%).

Hue and Ikea lamps are mostly the same. There's a bug in some Ikea lamps that causes them to lose reporting settings after a power cycle but we have a work-around for this in the app.