how can I successfully run such query on LM? I don't have any visfloors yet, and I don't have also no error after executing this command but it not works.
I know that probably I can use db:insert() but as I checked yesterday it only works for one row not many.
SOLVED: I've changed `` with "" and used integers where it is possible
how can I successfully run such query on LM? I don't have any visfloors yet, and I don't have also no error after executing this command but it not works.
res = db:execute([[
INSERT INTO visfloors (`id`, `building`, `layout`, `type`, `sortorder`, `name`, `background`, `background_add`, `bgcolor`, `touch_bgcolor`, `bgrepeat`, `bgfixed`, `usermode_param`, `touch_param`, `width`, `height`, `locx`, `locy`, `pincode`) VALUES
(`1`, `1`, `8`, ``, `1`, `0.00_Witaj`, ``, `0_00_Witaj.svg`, ``, ``, `0`, `0`, ``, ``, `1024`, `748`, ``, ``, ``),
(`2`, `1`, `424`, ``, `56`, `1.01_Klatka schodowa`, ``, `1_01_Klatkaschodowa.svg`, ``, ``, `1`, `0`, ``, ``, `1024`, `748`, ``, ``, ``)
-- res: nil
I know that probably I can use db:insert() but as I checked yesterday it only works for one row not many.
SOLVED: I've changed `` with "" and used integers where it is possible
Done is better than perfect